Emergency/med surg


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All Content by GS ED RN

  1. Rapport with pts

    Hello all - I am sorry if this is not the right platform - but I figured this was how I could reach the most experts. I fiercely admire the patience/dedication it takes to work with patients with addiction as a disease. My friend was in rehab f...
  2. Hello everyone - been an ED nurse for 4 years now, two jobs level 1 trauma and community setting. I was finishing off a shift and in very typical Murphy's law fashion *** hit the fan in the last 90 mins of my shift. I was brought a pt who was o...
  3. Community vs. Level 1 trauma

    hello everyone- So I have been having this internal struggle for months now ... my first ER job was in a community setting I loved it - I learned so much there - I was pretty pathetic when I first started- I could not even tie a tourniquet for ...
  4. Community vs. Level 1 trauma

    Thank you!! Glad to know I am not the only one ?
  5. Sucky day + unsupportive spouse

    oof I read that and it hurt me --- its hard to talk to non healthcare workers about our line of work that is why I keep my work related venting to only nursing - no one else gets it PERIOD. I don't care what anyone thinks - of course other jobs/profe...
  6. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    How do you deal with ignorant family members/friends. I cannot deal with ignorant, misinformed people anymore - especially when it hits close to home w/ friends and family for some reason I take it personally and when they do not have any desire to l...
  7. Calling all nursing students! I will be accepting my first job as a nursing faculty - teaching complex and acute care - it will likely be on an online platform - I want to hear from YOU! What did you like and dislike about your profs and lectur...
  8. Nurses make me sick

    yes this is why I made sure to say nursing isn’t the only hard job - and those professions also deal with the wide spectrum of human emotion as nursing does. This aspect is what makes all of our professions unique but also incredibly difficult at ti...
  9. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    I love zdogg!! I find him credible and he tells how it is - but I actually purposely don’t re-post him because I know people are going to say he’s “one doctor- not an immunologist, ID doc blah blah. Whatever so in that case I have posted the publicat...
  10. Nurses make me sick

    Didn’t say there is anything wrong with stoicism. Point being yes it is important to be stoic and emotionally intelligent with the patients and in your work setting, but there’s nothing wrong with crying after work and letting it out...
  11. Nurses make me sick

    Agreed- the OP seems like it comes from a place of bitterness - and also from a time when it was “taboo” to talk about our feelings - when we had to be stoic, put our heads down be so serious and work. Are some nurses on social media inappropriate? ...
  12. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    I accepted the Trumpers for what they were -but the COVID minimizes/deniers, the anti-Vaxxers, the science illiterate (by choice) .... I simply cannot and that’s probably because I have such a personal affliction with COVID being on the frontlines- m...
  13. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    Exactly thank you!! And I’m just like okay they certainly can’t say it’s “safe” for fertility- too soon. But they sure as *** can’t say it’s not - check the source ... oh a scorned ex Pfizer worker made the claim!! Come on! And I’m sorry this is go...
  14. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    Thank you so so much - just the validation of my feelings helps - I mean I don’t know that their intentions were to be cruel or hurtful - we all have dark senses of humor - but that comment really hit a nerve. My plan is to build a wall away from tho...
  15. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    Thank you for the advice —/ you’re right really need to start avoiding the topic- I also agree with the potential mistrust of experts - we were all jerked around in the beginning with no masks vs. masks, 2 week quarantine that turned into months - I ...
  16. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    Yes it did feel DAMN good to get it out thank you for reading - thank you for your advice. Comforting to know I’m not the only one!!
  17. What is up with the level of entitlement?

    this makes me thankful for the strict nursing program (catholic school founded by nuns) I went through that had a very traditional tough approach - they acknowledged the adversities and challenges of nursing but also taught us how noble of a profess...
  18. What is up with the level of entitlement?

    it is appalling to complain about certain assignments - this is what we signed up for! we took an oath to care for everyone and anyone -- I was a new grad only 5 years ago and let me tell you... I was scared *** but never argued or complained... we a...
  19. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    - well the issue to criminalize smoking is entirely a political one - and it is heavily taxed equaling state and federal revenue - also smoking does not cause death within weeks/months even years the way COVID would ...
  20. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    when you had confirmed COVID-19 -- and if you had an MI/CVA/PNA -- yes it in fact legitimately would be impossible to ascertain COVID-19 as cause of death vs. the other 3 --- because as I am sure you know COVID-19 causes a hypercoagulable state - amo...
  21. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    once again - missing the point - and regarding smoking you can make the choice to not smoke and to limit your time around second hand smoke and other environmental toxins ... just like you can also make a choice to wear a mask, socially distance, and...
  22. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    okay I find this mildly irrelevant - yes of course other things could happen to any of us as humans dwelling the world -- a lot of those things are beyond our control -- car accidents/getting struck by lightening ETC. if there is anything we could do...
  23. COVID guilt/burnout

    hello - this is probably a popular topic - I finished my masters/FNP may 2020. I have been a nurse for 5 years - the last 3 years have been in the ED my one true love - I knew I wouldn't want to do bedside full-time for the next 40 years of my career...
  24. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    you have a right to decline a vaccine - but its important to make an informed decision- is there a specific reason or underlying issue causing your angst towards it??
  25. New ER Nurse

    accept that you are going to be nervous AF at times you may panic at times but you have to get a good poker face - I also came from the floor to the ED and almost thought I wasn't ready - my first time pushing adenosine I wanted to run out of there s...