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All Content by NP2018

  1. CSUS Sacramento State Fall 2018

    nope... still refreshing haha!
  2. CSUS Sacramento State Fall 2018

    I agree that the new point system may need to be reviewed and revised. I think that there are flaws that needs to be changed because it is not fair for others to have 4.0 gpa and a high TEAS score and barely made the cut off... Though, I respectfully...
  3. Sac State Nursing for Fall 2018- NEW CRITERIA

    I hope we do not have to wait another week. The wait this week was a torture. This is giving me anxiety.
  4. CSUS Sacramento State Fall 2018

    Yup me too! I'm constantly checking the website, my email, and here at allnurses, hoping for an update.
  5. I also got an update from ARC today, and my application is qualified..... Now to wait ....