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All Content by Researchnurse101

  1. Have you ever worked at a vitamin therapy IV "spa"?

    Research nursing is not the same thing as nursing research, which is what you were doing. I put leukemia patients on clinical research trials, trying to find better treatments and cures. Not being as knowledgeable about the differences in these 2 t...
  2. Have you ever worked at a vitamin therapy IV "spa"?

    I actually think it's a cool idea. If there's a medical director available, then it shouldn't be a big issue for your license. If you can get a banana bag in the hospital ER for dehydration caused by a night of partying, why couldn't you do this as...
  3. Day Shift VS Night Shift for New Grad

    Your story sounds just like my daughter's - ADN, anxiety, night shift, BSN online - DON'T DO IT!!! The night shift has left her feeling constantly tired, frustrated that she doesn't have a normal life and time to spend with friends and family, and m...