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All Content by studentnursetobe0203

  1. I feel incompetent as a student nurse

    I do the same thing. Once I miss one question I get so disheartened and begin to blank! What's helped me the most is to stop being so hard on myself. By not getting so upset, I prevent myself from going into panic mode and can then continue to think ...
  2. Will I ever be able to work in Pediatrics?

    Take whatever job you can land, since it sounds like jobs are tough to come by without a BSN in your area. Nothing is impossible if you are determined and motivated to make it happen, and it certainly seems like you have the passion and drive to make...
  3. Which school to choose?

    I would definitely encourage you to apply to every school. I made the mistake of assuming I was a strong candidate (3.8 GPA, As in my sciences, and 91st percentile for TEAS ) and now I'm sitting on a wait list Had I applied to the other two local co...

    I had a 3.8 GPA (As in AnP and Chem and every elective complete with only my core nursing classes left to take). I received a 83% on the TEAS, which put me in the 91st percentile (TEAS 6 has about a ten point lower average score than the TEAS 5). Sti...
  5. Want to be a nurse but I am really bad academically

    I left school in 8th grade. I then did online homeschooling but I'll be honest; I was a kid still and did NOT take it seriously. I ended up getting my GED. Since then I obtained a degree in Networking Technology. Then went back and took prereq's for ...