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  1. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    Hahahaha all of your gifs are on point
  2. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    I received it 2 hours ago
  3. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    I also received an email!! Best of luck to you all!!!!
  4. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    From what I’ve experienced, if you have already taken the teas and submit the score it goes into the another pool of applicants who are also eligible (those who also passed and submitted the teas) in which they go through with another random lottery ...
  5. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    Hopefully we hear back today ?
  6. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    5-6 ish? Maybe there’s some sort of delay
  7. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    They usually send out emails in the evening (from the emails I’ve received in the past)
  8. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    When I applied to this school both times, I received the invite to take/ submit the teas on a Thursday, so my best bet is we’ll receive something this Thursday?
  9. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    They usually send out both acceptance and denial letters via email. Hang in there!!
  10. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    I used my first score since they only allow us to submit our very first score. I got an 82% on my first attempt. A friend of mine got in with a lower teas score than you, so don’t lose hope! When I went to the information session someone asked if the...
  11. LAHC ADN Fall 2019

    Hi! This will also be my third time applying to LAHC. I’ve been selected to follow through with submitting my teas scores both times but was denied during the lottery selection. Best of luck to you all!
  12. Cerritos college nursing fall 2018

    That's so strange that they gave you the okay to submit your app then later stating you aren't qualified!!! Now that makes me even more nervous since I didn't receive my letter yet. I wish you the best in your future endeavors! Don't give up and stay...
  13. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    I didn't get in but congrats to those who did!
  14. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    This is my first time applying to LAHC
  15. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    Hopefully you get your happy ending! I've been applying to nursing schools all over Southern California for two years and I'm so overwhelmed that I haven't gotten into any (waitlisted to a few but have yet to get accepted) the process is brutal! Hang...
  16. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    Hopefully all this waiting pays off, we can do it!!!
  17. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    I've been checking my email all day and I'm getting so anxious haha
  18. Citrus college adn fall 2018

    your stats are amazing!!! I wonder why you weren't chosen! I hope you get into the other programs you applied to. I was not selected as well best of luck!!!
  19. Citrus college adn fall 2018

    Hey guys I have informed delivery for usps and it says there's something in the mail from citrus college! It's the self addressed envelope, so check your mail boxes! Best of luck to all of you
  20. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    And the wait continues..... best of luck to everyone! Does anyone know if they'll send us a confirmation email that they received our response to move foward with the selection process?
  21. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    Erl09 I've seen you post in various forums and I truly hope you get into a program you've applied to! Kudos to you for persevering through this process.
  22. LA harbor college nursing fall 2018

    Good luck to everyone!
  23. Mount Saint Mary's Fall 2018

    Congrats on getting into a program!!!
  24. Mount Saint Mary's Fall 2018

    Hey everyone! I also applied to the fall cohort. Good luck to everyone!
  25. LBCC Fall 2018

    Thank you for answering my question haha! Best of luck to you!!!!!