
nightingale RN

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All Content by nightingale

  1. New CLNC Here

    bosch: That sounds great. I am preparing to go hang out in the court room. Did you do the VIP where you can use the Mentorship? See you in Orlando.
  2. New CLNC Here

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. bosch: How is your business going?
  3. New CLNC!

    I look forward to seeing y'all in Orlando.
  4. I would like to also add: It sounds really exciting to learn another culture and faith. I envy the opportunity you may have before you. Do let us know how you make out.
  5. I have heard of cross culturing the community Parish Nursing. I am sure, the company would be happy to answer those questions too. Let us know how you make out.
  6. Nurse med/spa insurance

    Thanks Mary. The site looks helpful for all Aesthetic Nursing needs for liability Insurance. Now to find something that is for the regular liability Insurance to compete with NSO. My rates, as an Independent Contractor, tripled to $ 300.00 annually.
  7. New CLNC Here

    Thanks Deb and thanks for the heads up on my website
  8. New CLNC Here

    Thank you! It means a lot to me to see your words of encouragement Whew... it was not a hard test but a test none the less. I am glad it is done! On to getting my cards printed with CLNC!
  9. Legal nurse consultant

    Welcome Kim to the Legal Nurse Forum. Try reading through the existing threads on this Forum and see if anything helps. Are you a VIP where you can get assistance through the VMI? I just went through the program in Las Vegas.
  10. Nursing Tutor Business

    I am not sure who your target market is but the beauty of an Entrepreneurial Goal is you are as limited as you want to be. It sounds like you have been thinking about this for a while. What do you envision for your business? I know when I went to sch...
  11. Foot care supplies

    islandnurse: I would love to hear about your business. Are you self employed?
  12. PLLC or LLC when starting business?

    Talking with your CPA is invaluable to setting up your entity. For example, when setting up my LLC I do have the option, here in Colorado, to use the S Chapter status. The S Status with the LLC works much like an S Corp. One advantage is that I can t...
  13. Is anyone else totally frustrated with CO nursing?

    Boo63: I wish you well. I graduated from UNM several years back. I have been living on the Western Slope. I think you will like UNM and the Hospital does have a lot of opportunities. As for Psych Nursing there, in Albuquerque, you may find more satis...
  14. Okay so I finally did it

    Cool. Where do you want to travel to? Keep good notes on what the Agencies say.
  15. Something good to say

    Conference call for the PBDS? That sounds like a great idea. Which Agency, housemamma were you with that did that?
  16. Difference between travel and agency??

    Good point NurseguyFl! I am going to make this post a stickey. Posters: Please add to this post any other differences our members should know about for Agency and Travel Nursing.
  17. NM to maryland even without CES?

    I have moved yourthread to the International Forum.
  18. traveling for LPN ?

    I should also mention, you can contact facilities directly to ask who they currently contract with. Sometimes, those little local Agencies are very personable. I would steer clear of "in house" PRN... just my HO
  19. traveling for LPN ?

    When I was in the Upstate New York area, around the Berkshire Mountains, I was not able to find openings for PRN Agency positions. I was told that in that area, there were few opportunities for Travel or Agency Nurses. I was also told, by another fri...
  20. There is no nursing shortage

    I agree, there is not a Nursing Shortage; just a shortage of attractive Nursing Opportunities. Opportunities are there though for those willing to get the best education possible, get your experience under your belt, and remain positive to new advent...
  21. Starting With A Vision

    Most often, when someone is starting out, I recommend starting with a Business Plan. For Many, this is a monumental undertaking. When I wrote my first Business Plan, I was in an Entrepreneur Class and received feedback. A couple of weeks ago, I was i...
  22. Am I crazy? Looking into traveling with husband, 2 kids, and dog.

    Do not consider Travel Nursing or Agency Nursing for at least a year after working on a Unit as a Staff Nurse. If you have a Specialty, two years, is minimum.
  23. OASIS in home care

    Is it posssible, via online or elsewhere, to get a copy of the intake assessment data sheets one uses in Home Health?
  24. need words of wisdom

    A Life Care Planner assess and evaluates costs to facilitate caring for someone through their life span. This kind of information may be helpful in filing a claim for loss of work or injuires. Regarding Legal Nurse Consulting, there is an excellent F...
  25. Need help from Experienced Correctional Nurse

    1- I had worked in corrections, primarily, as an Agency Nurse. My trianing was minimal. When I loved in Wyoming, I was a brief employee, and the training was approximately about a week in length. The training was not a how to but of the nuts and bol...