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About Round-Two

Round-Two has 1 years experience.

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  1. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Yeah! I think it's titled SLU AMSN 2018!
  2. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    I had a 3.42. I just finished touring the campus and we didn't get to go to everything since it's pouring down raining but it's really beautiful and everyone has been helpful thus far. I'm sure you'll be hearing something soon! They may still have ap...
  3. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Yeah I think so. The lady who let me know I was accepted did say they have to move my information over to some new system.
  4. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Yeah I was confused about that too at first. I think you only had to mail them if you applied to the school directly from their website versus applying through NursingCAS.
  5. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    You don't have to download the form. Just have your transcripts sent to NursingCAS and they'll be able to access them.
  6. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Not as far as I know!
  7. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Well that is definitely a much longer flight than mine! I hope you get accepted! I'll be sending all my good vibes your way :)
  8. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Atlanta. I'd ideally do the MSN too for several reasons. It just makes the most sense to me. Also, I've basically maxed out on my undergrad loans so I wouldn't even know how to pay for it. Plus I definitely want to eventually be a NP so already and I...
  9. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    It's honestly driving me crazy! I've applied 9 schools overall, 1 of them obviously being SLU and the other 2 were some accelerated BSNs. My seat deposit for SLU is due on the 28th so if I don't get any acceptances by that point, I'm definitely takin...
  10. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Not long at all! Then again, my definition of "not long" is a bit relative since there are some schools I applied to months ago and have heard nothing. But, just to give you an idea: Applied: 1/12 I had a slight delay with my documents but those were...
  11. St. Louis University AMSN 2018

    Hey everyone! I was just accepted to St. Louis' AMSN for Fall 2018 and wanted to see if anyone else had been, as well. I've seen previous threads from previous years but not for this fall so I figured I would kick it off. If there are any students wi...