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All Content by jackiewackie44

  1. SFSU Fall 2019 Entry Level MSN

    Not sure, I just checked my SFSU profile and it doesn't really say much! Just that I applied for the program
  2. SFSU Fall 2019 Entry Level MSN

    I also applied and just received an email this morning stating that my application was forwarded to the program for final review. Does anyone know when interviews will be? Good luck!
  3. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Fall 2019

    It will be a group interview and group sizes depend on how many people choose the date/time of your interview. My previous interview groups varied -- first one had about 10-12 people, second time had like 6-7. Nothing that you really need to prepare,...
  4. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Fall 2019

    This will be my 3rd time applying -- I was wait listed for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019, so hopefully, 3rd time's the charm! We should be hearing back soon tho. Oakland campus usually calls for interviews, but I've also gotten emails before as well.
  5. Samuel Merritt ELMSN Fall 2019

    Let's hope we hear back soon! I'm getting anxious. Have you applied to SMU before?
  6. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    I got waitlisted and found out via email. I am #5 on the list as of this morning. What portal are you guys referring to? Is that only given to those who got acceptances?
  7. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Yeah, I'm still waiting
  8. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    What acceptance webpage?? Can you link me
  9. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Yes! 9/19 at 4:30 pm. I am constantly checking my email and want to just cry lol
  10. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    still waiting on my notice :/ has anyone heard anything yet?
  11. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Can I ask from everyone who already got notice when they interviewed? I interviewed on the 19th and haven't gotten any notice from anywhere... seems like most of you interviewed before me but some after??
  12. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Has anyone heard back yet? I've been waiting all day for an email since they told me today would be the day!! I interviewed 2 weeks ago for the FNP track!
  13. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Good luck to those with upcoming interviews for the FNP track! Mine is on 09/19 @ 4:30 pm, looking forward to meeting some of you. If possible for those with an earlier date than mine, I'd love to know how soon we would find out about our admission ...
  14. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    @gulnazk1991 Hope this isn't too late of a response, but the application itself is actually pretty straight forward -- answer the prompts, make sure you turned in everything on time, etc. In regards to HESI scores, I know SMU prioritizes those with h...
  15. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Yeah I just tried but the links provided just lead to their calendar! I think I'll have to call to schedule since their offices are closed now
  16. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Just got an invite for an interview!! Check your emails!!
  17. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    Does anyone know when we'll start to hear back for interviews?
  18. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    I applied for SMU's ELMSN-FNP track for Spring '19 at Sacramento campus! I'm currently on the waitlist for Fall '18 at the Oakland campus. Was wondering if anyone is in the same boat? Good luck to fellow applicants!
  19. Samuel Merritt University Application ELMSN Spring 2019

    No, i don't think they've extended the deadline. I just got an email this morning saying that they've already gone through the preliminary application screenings.
  20. Samuel Merritt ELMSN-FNP FALL 2018

    Did u get an email about moving up on the list??
  21. Samuel Merritt ELMSN-FNP FALL 2018

    hey! was wondering if anyone else got in from the waitlist so far? have they only gone to #4?
  22. Samuel Merritt ELMSN-FNP FALL 2018

    When I asked them about possible rejections, they said their most common reason is bc of GPA??? Even tho they accept 3.0 gpas to apply, they said the usual acceptance GPAs are 3.5-3.8 for cumulative/pre reqs. I'm sure you can call to ask them specifi...
  23. Samuel Merritt ELMSN-FNP FALL 2018

    Just got notice that I'm on the waitlist!
  24. Samuel Merritt ELMSN-FNP FALL 2018

    I haven't heard anything either!!
  25. Samuel Merritt ELMSN-FNP FALL 2018

    Just got a call for my interview today on Feb 20th! Claudia actually left a message for me with time slots of 3:30 PM or 5:30 PM. Anyone interviewing that day?