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All Content by hacklemaria

  1. Bellevue College Fall 2018

    Hi, I haven't seen a thread started for this year, so I figure I'd start one! Let's talk about the program and the process :)
  2. Bellevue College Fall 2018

    I also got in as well! I'm looking forward in meeting all of you (: I hope we get to know stats of the incoming class as well
  3. Bellevue College Fall 2018

    A friend that has also applied received an email back from the program manager stating that it'll still be a couple of weeks before anyone hears about anything. So, based off of that, I'm assuming it'll be around early to mid June, similar to last y...
  4. Bellevue College Fall 2018

    Hi Wonka! Sorry for the late reply, I'm hoping that we hear back soon! I haven't heard back from anyone regarding the program, and I'm hoping we'll hear back soon. Hopefully by the end of this week or maybe next week?
  5. Bellevue College Fall 2018

    I did! I didn't do as well as I planned on the TEAS (83%) but did get an 8 on the writerplacer. How about you? How many points do you think you should get through the application process? :)
  6. Seattle University APNI Program 2018

    Hi everybody! I have been waitlisted for the AGNP tract. I'm curious though, to others who are waitlisted, underneath your "detail view" does your application status says under review?
  7. Seattle University APNI Program 2018

    Hello everyone! So glad I found this thread. I applied for the AGNP track and am anxiously waiting to hear back. Hopefully we'll hear back by the end of today. :)