Heart the Heart

Heart the Heart

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All Content by Heart the Heart

  1. University of South Alabama dual FNP/ACNP Fall 2018

    Has anyone gotten their physical acceptance letter yet, or has everybody just gotten the e-mails so far?
  2. University of South Alabama dual FNP/ACNP Fall 2018

    Got my acceptance e-mail. I think the curriculum is good but everything I've read said to expect A LOT of independent studying so I wouldn't expect much from the professors but if you put in the effort, they have an amazing pass rates for the board e...
  3. University of South Alabama dual FNP/ACNP Fall 2018

    I know, seems like forever, I also applied to the Fall 2018 Dual ACNP/FNP program. Does anyone know how competitive this program is for acceptance? I have about a 3.98 GPA but I have worked on a step-down/cardiac unit for the last two years so I have...