Hello all! I will be graduating in May and I have been absolutely blessed to have TWO job offers on my table. These are both with a major hospital system, one in "the big house" and one in a community...
I received this email in my GTCC email account: "From the desk of Dr. Windham We understand the urgency of needing your class schedule as many of you need to make adjustments/arrangements to prepare...
I've heard clinical days get shifted around kinda late in the game because of the clinical venues, which can be really hard for people who work while in school (like me, ugh), and that some of the...
I'll be starting an ADN program in the Fall. I have all my prereqs, so it will just be NUR courses. I have one course in the Fall, lots of labs and clinicals, 8 credit hours I think. I'm planning on...
Keep the faith, y'all. You know several people are going to go elsewhere (I'm about to make a DCCC alternate very happy), and others will be unable to jump the admissions hoops! (Let's be real, a...
I got in too!! 48 points. Seats have to be reserved by March 29, and there's like 100 steps where alternates could be accepted, including Orientation on May 7, so don't sweat it. Alternate #2 is...
I heard from Davidson CC, they make you accept your seat with a week so I went ahead and did! But now I'm going to have to renege if I get into GTCC, which I Don't like doing but they give you such a...
Oh man that makes me feel good, JLS80! They said expect letters "mid-March" but who even knows what that means! I also applied to Davidson CCC, they just send an email out on the 12th. I kind of like...
Hi there! I think I'll have 49 points for GTCC. I got a 90 on my TEAS (WHAT?!) so it really helped. I'm applying to DCCC too, with I think 14/16 but their system is vastly