
Kbelle ASN

Oncology, Critical Care

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All Content by Kbelle

  1. ED Nursing

    Hello everyone! I posted a while ago about wanting to transfer from CVICU/SICU to the ED, and a couple weeks ago I finally applied. To my surprise, I got the job! No interview or anything, just an application and a job offer. I’m over the moon. ...
  2. Just a Little Venting

    Hello all! I just want to vent for a minute. My hospital has a policy that new critical lab values have to be reported within 90 minutes. I work night shift, 7p-7a and have gotten cussed at (by one doctor) and ripped a new one by a few others fo...
  3. Just a Little Venting

    I’m glad to see we’re not the only hospital that deals with this LOL. We don’t call for things expected, such as a STEMI patient with a high troponin, since they were admitted with the critical values. The issue with the procalcitonin example is sinc...
  4. ICU to ED

    Hey everyone, I wasn’t sure where the best place was to ask this question, so please move if it’s in the wrong place. I’ve been a nurse for a little over 2.5 years, spending 1.5 years in acute oncology, and most recently a year in a SICU/CV...
  5. Need Advice

    Thank you for the kind words!
  6. Need Advice

    Hey everyone, and thanks for taking the time to click and read. I posted those in the critical care section but wanted to expand this topic. I recently switched to a SICU/CVICU unit after working on an acute oncology floor, specializing in oncol...
  7. Need Advice

    Thank you so much! I feel I sometimes have a hard time converting from the task oriented side of floor nursing to the more critical thinking aspect of the ICU. Evaluations are coming up soon and I’m hoping to glean some insight from that