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All Content by djksjdalksjf

  1. I found my passion but I am afraid I'm too late...

    At my ADN program, they only take grades for pre requisites. I have Bs in a lot of my classes I need for my bachelors later on, but as far as my application for the RN program is concerned, I have a...
  2. Is this really that controversial?

    I just saw in another thread someone posted that if a nursing student is working as a bartender and told a customer they are a nursing student, they would be kicked out of the program if an instructor...
  3. Is Nursing for me? (Im an older male)

    I'm not 100% sure what you mean by this. You are just as equal to the female nursing students. The fact that there may or may not be more male or female nursing students in a cohort has nothing to do...
  4. Is this really that controversial?

    That's what I thought. The comment had something to do with the programs "image". The only job I could see being actually problematic is working at a dispensary í
  5. I would say a minimum of 4 if you are starting fresh. One year for pre requisites if you're going full time, and potentially a year of waiting. Then the 2 years for the nursing
  6. Do I need A's?

    I go to school in
  7. Do I need A's?

    This is allowed at my community college. However, next year they will offer extra points to those who got an A in all 3 A&P courses on the first attempt
  8. Will I not be able to get financial aid

    Can you use the data retrieval tool on your
  9. online microbiology courses

    I have no suggestions, but to the nay-sayers on online micro courses: my online micro HAS a lab. I ordered the lab kit online and did it at
  10. Student Life

    Not to be negative but as a mother of adults and teens who don't need childcare and are relatively self-sufficient, I don't think you can realistically say "if I can do it, anyone
  11. Just starting prereqs... dream schedule?

    Take bio and chem before you take anything else. They provide the building blocks for everything else you will learn. Seriously. Even
  12. Need help deciding what to do next

    Depending on the classes you have done, the ASN may not be easier. It would definitely be cheaper though. What were your grade classes like anatomy, microbiology, math? Can you afford the ABSN? These...
  13. I don't think I want to do nursing anymore...

    Stick it out and get the degree; even if you choose not to take the NCLEX and find a nursing job, a bachelors will get you somewhere in life. You could go on to law school, be a teacher,
  14. I've recently finished the prerequisites for my local nursing program (ASN). I wasn't able to apply for next falls cohort because I hadn't finished my first course in anatomy. So, to go to this...
  15. What is more valuable, time or money?

    Great insight, thank
  16. What is more valuable, time or money?

    So fwiw, I would do this the same way I've been doing it for the last year and a half. I did considering moving back home to where my parents are, but they don't have the extra room and rent for a...
  17. What is more valuable, time or money?

    23, one toddler, a rent payment I can't afford yet somehow manage to make every month. I have no family where I am now, so that wouldn't change with a move. Lately I've been feeling stuck and...
  18. Pro Life Beliefs and Nursing

    Here's the thing, you can't look at someone and know they've had an abortion, and even if you could, you can't put yourself in their shoes to really know why. No one gets an abortion for fun. If you...
  19. What is more valuable, time or money?

    Also to add, My big concern with Purdue is I've always been taught "if it's too good to be true, it usually isn't
  20. What is more valuable, time or money?

    Kaplan was recently rebranded as Purdue university
  21. Just tell me to hang in there

    I have to wait a whole extra school year before I'll be able to start the nursing program at my community college. I will have all of my pre reqs finished before the start of the next cohort, but I...
  22. Unsure of competitiveness

    If those classes are pre requisites for the program I would retake
  23. Just tell me to hang in there

    I never thought to study pharmacology on my own! Is there a good site or recommended book for
  24. private nursing program or wait years to get in?

    It may also be worth moving, if you aren't tied down with a family, to a town with a program which allows you to retake your science courses. I know a girl who is taking anatomy for the third and...
  25. Acing anatomy- what makes muscles so hard?

    When I took A&P 1 we did each system in sections. I got a D on muscles but ended up with a low A in the class. Just make sure you try your best on everything so if you struggle with one topic...