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All Content by Nala2012

  1. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    Found it!!!!! :)
  2. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    I can't find it! Did you make it yet? :)
  3. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    I got accepted to the Neonatal Specialty! Congrats to everyone!!!!!
  4. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    Okay, I just checked and mine still says pending. Hmmm, I wonder if it just depends on the specialty.
  5. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    I am so sorry to hear that guys!!! Did you get an email also? I am so scared to check, I don't think I got in:( But I'm too scared to look!
  6. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    I am SO nervous and i just keep thinking "how can they accept me after that awful interview"! Hahah, but I don't understand how they interview every single person because based on the interview I don't think they can accept or reject you based on it ...
  7. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    I just got done with the interview! It went okay, but I feel like I probably looked super awkward in it! Its sorta like you're watching yourself talk in a mirror. I don't really know how they can accept or reject based off of that! But good luck to e...
  8. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    I went to University of Cincinnati for undergrad, and I still live in Cincinnati! But all my best friends live in cbus! I am doing the interview this evening though I think!
  9. OSU Grad Entry 2018

    Hey everyone!! I just got an invite this morning to interview! I am super nervous, but also really excited!! I applied for the Neonatal NP, does anyone know how competitive that one is?? Also, does anyone have tips for the interview?!