

school nursing/ maternal/child hospital based

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About Cas1in72

Cas1in72 has 31 years experience and specializes in school nursing/ maternal/child hospital based.

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  1. The tricks we use

    My school secretary told me to try that, and it works. Leaving a detailed message for something I need them to do is the surest way to NOT get a call back.
  2. That was a first

    Great job!!! School Nurses are ESSENTIAL! I remember the first time I gave Epi, my heart was beating so fast you would have thought I had a dose. It is amazing to see how fast it
  3. Happy Nurse's week.... I guess

    To all of my fellow school nurses that have not gotten the recognition or thanks from your administration or leadership this year, I want to say I am sorry, but want to also say that I appreciate you,...
  4. Happy Nurse's week.... I guess

    Thank you for writing this out. So many times, when I speak to my friends that are still at the bedside, they think I sit around and pass out band aids all day. You described so well, just a tip of...
  5. Staying or Going?

    After 6 years in school nursing, I put in my resignation letter, I won't be returning. In fact, leaving nursing and going back to college full time to pursue my graduate degree in
  6. Medication Error in School

    I am so sorry for the stress you must be under!! Honestly, this was not even something I thought to check. I count in scheduled drugs, keep a detailed record of administration but never considered...
  7. C'Mon Now!

    I am so sorry! I really can not imagine the lasting impact Covid is going to have on those of us in healthcare. I put in my notice on Friday. I am heartbroken, but at the same time, I feel like I...
  8. C'Mon Now!

    In 26 years of nursing I have never been told off, cussed at, disrespected more than this year. We just came back from Spring Break ( have been in school since Aug) I cried in my car before I walked...
  9. So Discouraged...

    Sending love and virtual hugs to you all. My heart is heavy, I fluctuate between times of major anxiety and complete anger. My sister was diagnosed with Covid over the weekend, went to ER with...
  10. Athletics = Madness

    I have had to distance myself from any social media, and can not watch the Zoom school board meetings anymore. Seeing the pictures of our school sports teams, the crowds etc, makes me physically ill....
  11. C'Mon Now!

    Yes, but after being in class from
  12. C'Mon Now!

    Perfectly showcases that people have no understanding or common sense: High school student, works at a restaurant that has been shut down d/t many employee cases. Student told by provider to wait a...
  13. 2020 small achievements

    Went from seeing 40-50 kids per day to average of 5!! When this is all over ( COVID) I will be sure to remind the teachers that every little thing does not need to come to the office.
  14. C'Mon Now!

    Sorry for your friend, but I have to say that we need more of our C'Mon Now! stories more than ever. This gave me a good laugh. 2020 is something
  15. Sending Home Any Covid Sx?

    This right here! We are seeing a decrease in the number of people tested, however, an increase in the number of people hospitalized. ( more now than when the pandemic started in March) The other...