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All Content by dieliciouz13

  1. Heyyyyy guys! Just wanted to connect with anyone accepted/ applying to spring 2019 in cnr! I got accepted into the fall 2018 transfer program, but changed it to spring 2019 to get things in order before i start. I'm nervous and very exicited at the s...
  2. College of New Rochelle CNR Spring 2019

    Did u get package via email or website? Also did they tell you those dates or was it sent via email?
  3. College of New Rochelle CNR Spring 2019

    I'll also be attending the new roc campus. Got my email on orientation, just waiting on Finanial aid package. Anyone received anything yet?
  4. College of New Rochelle CNR Spring 2019

    So I got accepted into the program for fall and changed to spring. Wen I got my package for the fall the program cost about 35,000 and I was given 20,500. So I have to take 15 in loans. When I called the fin. Aid department, they told me they going t...
  5. College of New Rochelle CNR Spring 2019

    nothing yet. just the next steps and orientation TBD. Advising starts the 22th into nov 2nd so idk whats going on.
  6. College of New rochelle transfer spring 2019

    Heyyyy !! I'm not sure yet. I switched from fall to spring and havnt meet with an adviser yet. They have "technical difficulties" that's causing my change in acceptance term not to reflect on my account online yet. I have to call back on Tuesday to g...
  7. College of new Rochelle BSN Fall 2018

    Hey I just applied as a transfer on May 24. Im transferring from wcc. I'm going tomorrow to give them my transcripts and teas score. I got a 78 on the teas, and have a gpa of 3.47. Hopefully I get accepted! I'm also worried on the financial aid packa...
  8. College of new Rochelle BSN Fall 2018

    Hey I just applied as a transfer on May 24. I'm going tomorrow to give them my transcripts and teas score. I got a 78 on the teas, and have a gpa of 3.47. Hopefully I get accepted! I'm also worried on the financial aid package :/, i don't want to tak...
  9. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Ty for that info!! Hopefully they still sending out acceptance.. but what number would you call after orientation to see if spots are open?
  10. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Congrats!!! Who's on the email?
  11. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Tell me about it.. and yes it's literally computerized, so they know already who is in or not. I'm praying non stop for good news lol Im literally dying, since I been rejected before.. Missed a chances to the the program by 4 spots:(... but trying to...
  12. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Lol been there done that, don't bother they won't tell you anything..smh. They will give u the round again, and you'll end up back to square 1....
  13. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Couple of weeks , for some depending on when they took the test close to a month í ½í¸©
  14. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    They sent it via email , the one you put for your teas exam
  15. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    I know that's still a lot hours, hopefully I can manage both full time. Yet again, I don't want get to ahead of myself since idk if I'm getting in or not :/...but still keeping positive!
  16. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Me too soooo nervous... but I wrk 40plus but if god willing I get in the program this time Ima tell my job I can only wrk max 30hours. My friend in the program said it's super intense. He said they have a test every week or other week, sometimes 18 c...
  17. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    No nothing yet , I means if that's true that would the earliest reply from the department in a few years, looking back at all the other forums .. so idk
  18. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Hopefully that's the case this time around. The waiting sucks, especially when you feel like your life's on hold waiting for the chance to just start lol
  19. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Ahhhh i really hope we all get it ...
  20. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    And In the fall 2016 ppl were already getting emails by the 7th. The proctor definitely exaggerated when she said we will know by May 1.. Does anyone know about how many people took test this semester???
  21. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    I hope, i literally don't have anymore classes to take but the nursing stuff. The waiting sucks! And I also agree with you guys...smh
  22. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Nope í ½í¸’, i wonder how many ppl they gona take this time, hopefully the 40 . Last semester was only 26, idk why tho
  23. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Strictly based on teas score
  24. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    I did, but you already know how it is getting in touch with these ppl. Everything is top secret..smh
  25. Westchester Community College WCC Fall 2018 TEAS

    Does anyone know if they go with the highest tea score (still eligible since in was taken 6months ago) or the most recent teas score (taken this march). I remember the proctor speaking about it last year, but I don't recall exactly what she saidí ¾...