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  1. Side hustle?

    I've been trying to look for focus groups here and there (I need to get on a list for someone to call so I can do them more often). I just did one on albumin and they interviewed me for a little over...
  2. MCPHS Fall 2019 ABSN Program

    First semester you take 4 classes - patho/pharm, nursing skills, nursing history, and nursing concepts. This semester you really need to hit the ground running - it's A LOT of work. I used to come...
  3. MCPHS Fall 2019 ABSN Program

    I know this thread has kind of died off, but I graduated from the program a couple years ago and can answer any questions as not much has changed! I kinda wanna give back since I'm currently...
  4. Need Honest Answers

    What kinds of jobs can ACNP have that aren’t in hospital? Maybe urgent care? I have always thought I’d go back to school to be a provider, just not this soon. But you’re right I will definitely...
  5. Need Honest Answers

    The Boston market is definitely flooded I’m sure! I know other Massachusetts cities are so Boston definitely is - this is also a concern, but I haven’t heard anyone say that who actually works...
  6. Need Honest Answers

    Thank you for your input! I do really like cardiology and was thinking maybe a clinic position as there aren’t a lot of inpatient cardiology NP positions at my hospital (they are beginning to make...
  7. Need Honest Answers

    This is good to know! I will definitely stay per diem at my current job (assuming I would be allowed to - I don’t see why not) so I can still do some bedside critical care. I just no longer want it...
  8. Need Honest Answers

    I love it, but most days I'm so over it! I'm thinking worst case I can always stay per diem in the ICU and still work as an
  9. Need Honest Answers

    Totally agree with both being respectable positions! I love critical care, but I know I wont love it at the NP level. Plus, my hospital doesn't even have NPs in our units (only PAs in cardiac...
  10. Need Honest Answers

    The market is definitely starting to become saturated where I am, but I also have a really great rapport with my hospital (started as a nurses aide and have worked my way up) and know that they're...
  11. Hi everyone! I'm thinking about going back to school, but have so many questions and no one in my personal or work life to ask. I'd also like some brutally honest answers on what you think. I...
  12. I recently graduated and passed my NCLEX and have a job lined up. I took two weeks off around the holidays to just relax and not think about nursing. I had access to Hurst, Kaplan, and UWorld....
  13. UMass Memorial Residency (Worcester)

    i no longer have the sheet but the timeline was something like this: first round of interviews started last week and everyone should hear by the 26th or 29th second interviews (with managers) will be...
  14. I know I was like that's the whole summer depending on when we start! I'm not sure if we aren't guaranteed a job until 2 weeks in or just a unit? So nerve wracking! Also if it starts the 5th that's a...
  15. I had it yesterday! It wasn't what I was expecting, but nurses are adaptable hahah. So it seems the program is 6 months. I was so nervous when she was explaining it I missed half of it! Good luck at...