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All Content by Scoobyfn8

  1. NCC - Spring 2019 Nursing Applicants

    Good point! I had a lot of credits I transferred in from my old school so it was just fufilling the more health/science related classes I needed left. I just feel like I'm not getting information about the program so I'm considering other options and...
  2. Spring 2019 Nassau Community College

    Can you guide me on where I could possible see this?! Are you referring to fall or spring ?
  3. Adelphi Nursing 2022

    Was also looking to apply here after I receive my associates of liberal arts from nassau, do they give money to transfer students?
  4. Laguardia college

    I go to a different school (Nassau) in New York and the program requires a B in ap1 but according to my professor you need an A in both 1 and 2....our school does it the same way where it changes each semester, maybe retake the class or look into pri...
  5. NCC - Spring 2019 Nursing Applicants

    Was going to apply for spring program but decided to maybe wait for the fall class when they start the bsn I'll put my stuff in in the spring and if I don't get in, I have enough credits to graduate and go to another's schools program wi...
  6. CNA Course Long Island

    to a degree, yes it was helpful...i was considering their program but i was also curious if people took the course from there and if it's good.
  7. CNA Course Long Island

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to take a CNA course so I can finally work in a hospital but I honestly do not know where to even begin looking. I've done some research but there is so much googling and also looked on facebook for reviews of places (it didn...
  8. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    question, for just applying to the nursing program and i already go to nassau, do i just apply as a change of major and teas? is there anything more i need to send? the ncc website with all the info is a bit wordy so kinda getting lost in context a b...
  9. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    I was curious of where I possibly stood because I dropped anatomy 2 this summer session because "apparently" I wasn't doinng well yet my professor wouldn't show me my tests when I asked so I was like I don't have time for this and dropped it so I can...
  10. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    So basically I might stand a pretty good chance alright I might start studying now for teas then
  11. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Granted I'm also taking bio medical ethics right now, I should be getting at least a b+, I hope an A but the professor I have even when I answer all the questions doesn't agree with my points which is a bit annoying for an opinion based class
  12. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Thank you! Idk where I added up wrong lol but would you think it's a bad idea to apply in the fall for spring? Or I kinda have possibly a pretty good chance?
  13. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    How did you get 101 and not yet I plan to in the fall
  14. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Can you guys tell me if I'm doing this grading system correctly? Nassau Nursing School: Statistics: A
 English 101: A Intro to Psychology: A AHS 131: B+
 AHS 132: Lifespan Human Development: A
 Biomedical Ethics:
 Microbiology Electives: Span...
  15. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Still no word any tips??
  16. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Tht and I had other questions
  17. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Haven't heard anything back yet and I double checked email I wonder if I should contact admissions?
  18. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Awesome thank you sooo much!!
  19. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    I thought I saw the email address here but is the email for nursing department, [email protected] or can someone give me that? Hadn't had the chance to write the email and I wanted to do it now
  20. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    I'm sending the nursing department an email later tonight so I'll keep you all posted
  21. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    So I literally went after class and the person told me to contact nursing department..I was closer to admissions than nursing so I went there but maybe I'll email
  22. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    How did you find out?
  23. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    Think I'm going to go in after class so I can find out more info!
  24. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    I figured as much but it said on degreeworks that the full amount of credits were taken for those, I'll try to get you a pic
  25. Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

    I'll pm you if your referring to me!! I don't have teas score yet because obviously haven't taken them but yeah haha