School health, pediatrics

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All Content by OhioBPH

  1. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Woah! So early, lucky you! I dont have spring break (academically or at work) for a little while still.
  2. Personal mental health

    Thanks guys! After the rough day I had Monday I had another yesterday. I took my prescribed sleep aid BEFORE attempting to fall asleep, that helped. I also had a low key evening, leftovers for dinner and just 30 mins of school work.
  3. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Despite the rushed disorganized morning I had (my kiddo is sick) I wore pink! I'm so cool.
  4. Did CPR for the first time today.

    OP, what is your level of training for CPR? Do you have a heartsaver, a BLS, nothing? For your level of education there is a wide variety of training levels for CPR. Just wondering for background on this scenerio.
  5. Students cutting themselves

    Thisis more common than many people think. Just stay calm, don't make too big of a deal about it, since she is already getting services. Do you you always do, be a calm, safe person at school.
  6. Did CPR for the first time today.

    Did you do chest compressions, or just rescue breathing? It seems strange to me that chest compressions were advised if she had a good pulse. Good job! Maintaining a calm appearacnce is key
  7. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    I have my pink uniform t shirt on today! Finally got around to getting those stains out!
  8. School Shootings

    This is not the solution I want. We have an armed officer. That gun is enough. I cannot figure out why we just keep throwing more and more guns at the problem. I do not want my kid to go to a school where the only reason he feels safe is because all ...
  9. School Shootings

    "non-credible" threats in both middle schools in my district today. You guys, I'm so fed up with this garbage. Columbine happened when I was in like 6th grade, this has been most of my life. I'm so so so tired, the world just keeps getting worse. Wha...
  10. High School Shooter Copy Cats?

    "non-credible" threats at both middle schools in my district. We are doing the high security dance, but it is hard.
  11. Student found out bad news yesterday

    Just offer her comfort and reassurance.
  12. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Um, it is Wednesday, right? Was I all alone at the cool table? That makes it seem kind of lame...
  13. Did you replace a school nurse?

    A couple years ago the hospital I work for got the contract for this district. Since then it was a revolving door of nurses who were here 1-2 quarters and then moved on. Everyone is thrilled that I am here to stay (for a little while at least). But b...
  14. Stinky kids...

    Not a medical issue, but if they did not have water for a while, are the clothes soiled? If they were not washed and dried appropriately it could be that he clothing needs replaced. I have a student who always smells like feces, because he has troubl...
  15. School Shootings

    A 7th grader shot himself in the bathroom at a local middle school. In the district my brother in law works in. This hits pretty close to home, and I'm just so sick.
  16. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Its Valentine's Day! And Wednesday, so of course I'm in pink!
  17. C'Mon Now!

    So Friday I had to check in on 3 students who were hit in the head during fights, which sucked. And I thought that was going to be the biggest bump in my road for a while. Except yesterday..... A daily med student stole an insulin syringe and a blist...
  18. What's the nicest thing a parent said to you?

    We have an Australian family, and the mom often tells me I'm brilliant, or a gem. If the family wasn't so demanding it would mean alot more, lol!
  19. Delegation of Diabetic Care

    There is a glucagon trainer, FYI.
  20. Supervisor Eval

    Being part of a hospital managed department means that we end up doing alot of reviews, I have a self evaluation, my district RN evaluates me, and the Nurse manager has sent out a request for me to evaluate my district RN. I was doing well until I hi...
  21. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    So I got a NEW pink shirt, and wore it, and got a late call for the snow day. So I was cool all alone in my bed!
  22. Supervisor Eval

    thats a good idea!
  23. Suprise...

    I have 6-8th. Maybe I will try, I could use a little more brightness this time of year.
  24. Suprise...

    Nearly every cool think I have had on my desk walked away....So no more trinkets (except my pet rock, no one wants it I guess). I do have a lil Bub calendar, which some kids like. I also wear my college lanyard, so that starts a few conversations. I ...
  25. Albuterol Recall

    Is this ProAir, Ventolin, Xopenex?