Supervisor Eval


Specializes in School health, pediatrics.

Being part of a hospital managed department means that we end up doing alot of reviews, I have a self evaluation, my district RN evaluates me, and the Nurse manager has sent out a request for me to evaluate my district RN.

I was doing well until I hit the last two points:

An area of strength I want to see more of

An opportunity for growth

Um. I see this woman for maybe 30 mins a month. She is easily available by phone or email, sometimes text. She is a great supervisor, but I don't work with her often enough to evaluate this.


Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

Area of strength: Supervisor X is very accessible by a variety of modalities, which is helpful because many decisions are made quickly. Her response time to me is excellent and I appreciate it.

Growth: you want to see more of her? Do you feel like calling her and asking how to fill in this blank?

Specializes in School health, pediatrics.

Growth: Do you feel like calling her and asking how to fill in this blank?

thats a good idea!

Specializes in School Nursing.

I agree with calling and asking her.

My default for growth-related stuff is always continuing education to expand knowledge on evidenced-based practice. Everyone can always learn.

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