I am about 1-2 years out, but I am preparing myself for CRNA school. Prior to nursing I work at a high volume, high quality fire rescue service as a Paramedic for 10 1/2 years. I did my ASN with...
While working as a Paramedic, we had a foreign body obstruction call that was "corrected" prior to us getting there. The staff at the Assisted Living center where no help and literaly getting in the...
I was told that I would have to submit a "petition for variance" with my application. Has anybody had any luck with finding any information about the form or format they want it to be
i talked to vickie boyd, a supervisor at florida bon, and she stated that they were waiting for excelsior to send a list of students that were enrolled or graduated in the nursing program prior to...
i called yesterday (10/11/07) and spoke with the state boards office at excelsior and they stated the state did side with "us" and are now allowing non-lpn gradutes to sit directly for nclex in...
For those that were able to go to the the FL BoN meeting yestarday 10/11/07, what did the Board say? I called the office in Tallahassee and they were not much
just for infomation.... i did see excelsior on the agenda for the 10/10-12 meeting in jacksonville. mr. garcia, i'm sure you also read this forum. please do what's right. grandfather us in or at the...
I talked with Paula at Excelsior College's State Boards Office and they are planning to get on the agenda for the October 10-12 meeting in Jacksonville. She asked me to put the request out on this...
I was also told by the Florida BON and Exclesior excactly what has been stated in other posts. "Take another state's NCLEX and endorse in". I wonder if past applications are public record and proof...
Thanks Mondragon for the link. I fired off mutiple e-mails yestarday. Please, any current and past grads in Florida, get fired up and started being heard. I was told by Excelsior there are a little...
I know of at least two people that are Excelsior grads that routinely look at the threads here. One is a "moderator". Both were also Paramedics and had "no problem" recently endorsing into Florida...
I recieved the now dreaded letter from Excelsior telling me about the FL BON's sudden change TWO DAYS before my NCLEX (which I passed!!). I too was told the same thing when researching whether to do...
txspadequeen921, i was a studying madman. i had time off and knew i needed to get this done fast...until i ran out of $$$. i did the same with the practice tests. i did every one of the practice tests...
Sunny, I Started in August 2006 and completed all nursing concepts in under two months and did the CPNE end of March 2007. Now just waiting to get background back from North Carolina and test. I...
I just tested in Racine and passed. I took Tina's workshop (http://www.cheducation.com/Schedule.html) , in California and I place my passing in large part to the preperation I received at her...