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About Chevelle2366

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  1. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program Spring 2021

    does anyone know what the night differential is?
  2. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program Spring 2021

    Mine changed to "Routed for Further Consideration" at some point in the last few days.
  3. Past Criminal Conviction Reported and the BRN

    Thank you for responding! Did you do any type of psychiatric evaluation or addiction evaluation? Super happy for you though, CONGRATS on getting your license (almost!). I may message you more once I get denied and appeal!
  4. Past Criminal Conviction Reported and the BRN

    Just curious where you are with your appeal process? I am about to submit and have similarities to your past (mine are between 13 and 16 years old, but there are 4!). Scanning all my docs and letters now. Was there anything you wish you had included ...
  5. ARC SCC ADN/RN Fall 2018

    Lolol, can you tell I'm a bit frazzled and excited?? í ½í¸‚. I'll change it to 18'. I promise I'm not dumb í ¾í·
  6. ARC SCC ADN/RN Fall 2018

    OK, I made a page for fall. Group name is SCC Nursing Spring 19'
  7. ARC SCC ADN/RN Fall 2018

    I'm glad I got into Fall now because I am in EDH and saw you (Momto3boys) are in Folsom... it'll be nice to have someone close to study with! I'm with you as far as wanting to get to know who will be in the class as well. Maybe I'll just start a page...
  8. ARC SCC ADN/RN Fall 2018

    So I was accepted for Spring originally at SCC, but received a call this afternoon offering me a spot in fall! I am guessing that they do not choose alternates until after filling Fall. Has anyone started a FB page yet?
  9. ARC SCC ADN/RN Fall 2018

    Not that I know of, but I got in for Spring 19' and would choose Fall 18' if I got in at ARC.
  10. ARC SCC ADN/RN Fall 2018

    I received my email at 2:20 PM. Still checking for ARC, hopefully they send theirs out soon!
  11. ARC SCC ADN/RN Fall 2018

    Woo hoo!!! Got my Spring 2019 acceptance from SCC. Super excited and in disbelief!
  12. American River College ARC Spring 2018

    Anyone else hear ANYTHING?!? Only 3 people on this forum with responses so far...
  13. American River College ARC Spring 2018

    They don't... it is like they go down the application list ONE BY ONE and send out individual emails. From past years, it looks like it takes 2 days to get all emails sent out.
  14. Sac State Nursing for Spring 2018

    Don't say that! While our chances are slim w/82, you NEVER know. I think it is going to be right on the curb.... we know that we will be alternates for sure at least. I am right there with you... but we gotta hold on to hope :)
  15. American River College ARC Spring 2018

    Congrats! Now I will begin checking my email 500 times an hour :)