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About ctunurse

New nurse, passed boards 3/24/05

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  1. Seeing your doc on unit ANGRY

    Never thought of it this way, but excellent point. It should have been all professional and at the time I was functioning as the nurse of his patient just as he was functioning as that patient's...
  2. Seeing your doc on unit ANGRY

    I understand that, but also, you see I'm a newer nurse and never had a personal doc prior to working as a nurse. So, I chose my job at a hospital, then you have to fill out your insurance info. I...
  3. Seeing your doc on unit ANGRY

    Thank you so much for this post. OMG...That poor CCU nurse was stressed when she arrived on the unit. She walked into that room, heard what he had to say, walked back out to the nurses station away...
  4. Seeing your doc on unit ANGRY

    thank you all for the feedback and opinions, mom23rn: you're right, i do work on a telemetry unit which i absolutely love but it's a lot of hard work at times. things weren't going well as multiple...
  5. Seeing your doc on unit ANGRY

    Is it strange or is it just me. Having your doctor stand in your face at the hospital and give you verbal orders about a patient of his that you are taking care of and to see your doctor come to the...
  6. Nervous:EP Studies

    I'm prayer my experience will duplicate your's. I see my electrophysiologist on Jan 19th. I hope you all are on this site later to help relieve my anxiety. I definitely want the problem over with....
  7. Nervous:EP Studies

    Thank you guys so much. Yeah, I don't want to waste any more money going to ER for psvt. I want this over with. I don't have kids yet, but I would like some so I really need to get this taken care of....
  8. Nervous:EP Studies

    my hearts been taking off for no apparent reason since i was 16, i'm now 24. i also have frequent palpitations. over the years, this psvt had gotten worst to the point that i have runs at work and...
  9. Need a little bit of positive...

    Hey, I was a new nurse orienting on a telemetry unit also. I started at the very end of January 2005. I felt exactly how you felt in the beginning. I was told by my manager that it could take up to...
  10. Meds you hate to give....

    I'm a cardiac nurses and so far the two meds I hate giving are: 1. DOPAMINE especially if it's not through a PICC line because of the constant worry about infiltration which could cause tissue...
  11. My son has SVT Questions

    I have had PSVT since I was 17. I'm on verapamil and considering an ablation before I have
  12. Sigma ThetaTau

    :uhoh21: I joined this is nursing school. I was told is was a priviledge, but does anyone know exactly what it's all
  13. This is my honest answer. I never even thought of nursing until I was told this: I wanted to go to other countries and help children and families in need. I was told it was missionary work and I...
  14. Pleasantly confused

    oh, i had the sweetest pleasantly confused lady one night. here's what happened: (i was doing rounds to check on my patients, i walked into one room to find a patients iv catheter still connected to...
  15. Picc Lines..Sterile?

    We use very clean tecnique for flushing, blood draw, and unhooking fluid tubing. Because when someone is heparin locked off, the port is no longer sterile because it is hanging about on the patients...