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  1. CHOA Summer 2019 Nurse Extern

    @clemsonnurse I meant which day did you complete your online interview ? I wonder does that matter ...
  2. CHOA Summer 2019 Nurse Extern

    @clemsonnurseCongratulations! What day did you do your interview ?
  3. Hello rising Junior and Senior nursing students. I've recently applied for CHOA's Summer 2019 externship position in December. I completed the interview through HireVue on the 13th of December and I've been waiting for an update. Has anyone heard any...
  4. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    It also has the sections that are required
  5. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    @ DRJN04 here is the link listing the test dates and score requirements KNAT - BSN - School of Nursing - Clayton State University
  6. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    I'm doing great I'm about to start on Chapter 5 ! I did a lot of practice for the oral solid dosage calculation problems how about you ?
  7. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    @mnewland we have received the link from Lippinncott !
  8. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    @zoriled Congratulations !!!
  9. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    For anybody who attended the Meet & Greet have you received the Lippinncott email regarding the text books ?
  10. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    Guys I'm so excited we have meet and greet tomorrow!
  11. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    Me too! See you there!
  12. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    My major hasn't changed either. I contacted the school and they said that it should change by today.
  13. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    What does the witness signature mean ?
  14. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    Just in case you haven't found a place to complete the CPR certification you can go to and register to take the course in Atlanta,GA. The course is American Heart Association certified, it teaches how to use the AED, and it is BLS approved....
  15. Clayton State University Spring 2018 Cohort

    Can we get the CPR certification online and they accept it or do we actually have to go to a center and complete the course?