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All Content by erickamcb

  1. Lbcc spring 2020

    Hi! I created a facebook group for our cohort. It might be nice to get to know some faces before we begin this journey together! let me know if this works
  2. Santa Ana College - ADN Spring 2020

    i haven’t received a letter yet, either.
  3. Lbcc spring 2020

    I think my GPA overall is 3.5 but my science GPA is 3.0 I haven’t done the Technology course but everything else, yes
  4. Lbcc spring 2020

    teas is scheduled nov 26 at 9am
  5. Lbcc spring 2020

    this was my 6th time consecutively applying and I GOT IN!!!!!!
  6. Golden West College Spring 2020

    Don’t give up! I know the feeling, I have been applying to get into a program since 2017 and still have not gotten in anywhere. It’s tough! But if this is what you really want, keep working toward it. Apply to EVERY school. You’ll get in eventual...
  7. Golden West College Spring 2020

    I also applied with 66 points, there’s hope yet ??
  8. Golden West College Spring 2020

    Notification letters were sent out today, Sept 20, 2019. The GWC nursing website was updated today
  9. Santa Ana College Spring 2019

    no, another student posted that he/she has 73 points and is #18 on the alternate list
  10. Santa Ana College Spring 2019

    there has to be some type of error. Someone messed up their calculations if they didn't let you in but someone with 73 points made the alternate list.
  11. Santa Ana College Spring 2019

    i got rejected too, 70 points
  12. Santa Ana College Spring 2019

    haven't received anything yet either. sad now í ½í¸ž
  13. LBCC Spring 2019

    @erl09 i also applied at Santa Ana College and Saddleback
  14. LBCC Spring 2019

    just got my 4th denial. truly thought it was going to be an acceptance because it's only the second day. disappointing to say the least =(
  15. LBCC Spring 2019

    I'm going to keep applying!! I am also working in the healthcare field so that my points are higher at other schools, too. Apply everywhere!! You will get in somewhere eventually. I am waiting on letters from Santa Ana and Saddleback also. Good ...
  16. LBCC Spring 2019

    I haven't received a letter yet! I felt very confident yesterday but not so much today lol. This is my 4th time applying
  17. LBCC Spring 2019

    it'll be an actual letter. and everyone gets one
  18. Cerritos college nursing fall 2018

    thanks for the update. can't wait to know if it's a yes or no!
  19. Cerritos college nursing fall 2018

    not yet!
  20. Cerritos college nursing fall 2018

    Last time I applied they sent all students a letter letting them know if they got in or didn't. No emails
  21. Santa Ana College Fall 2018

    I was going to go this week but didn't have time. I am going to go in on monday.
  22. Santa Ana College Fall 2018

    does anyone have a psychiatric technician license and applied for SAC? i do and the application states that you need to meet with the dean of nursing to determine eligibility for advanced placement. I met with the dean, we determined that the gener...
  23. Rio Hondo Fall 2018

    After more than a week of people posting that they received a letter and got accepted, I finally called today to see what was going on. I was told upon application that we would either receive a letter if accepted or an email if denied. I received ...
  24. Rio Hondo Fall 2018

    the last time i applied to Rio Hondo i was disqualified because of reading also. This time i have my associate's so it covers the reading proficiency. unfortunately, the website doesn't state thrat you have to take read prof at rio hondo for it to ...
  25. Golden West College Fall 2018

    i live in anaheim, about 6 miles away