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About Kratoswife

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  1. Losing job due to injury

    What your job may be doing is illegal. Not sure if you want to pursue this legally. But I don't think they can do
  2. Honesty on resume, now no job.

    Don't listen to anyone who states to put the job you've been fired from on your resume. Only if it was government you should. Also try a nursing home. You may like it. Good luck don't give
  3. Nurse Charged With Homicide

    This is so sad. I hope she's not convicted. She just got her license and was made to be a resource
  4. RN MGR Told me I'm too old.

    @gumbo_12 I wish you asked for advice before taking action. You made a mistake by not shadowing in my honest opinion. Next time don't be so quick to take action. Good luck on the job
  5. Thanks! Yeah, I don't get it. Why wouldn't someone want to be inclusive? I always figure I'm meeting a potential new friend. I guess not everyone sees it that way. Let bygones be bygones. Apply to a...
  6. Racial Discrimination in the Nursing Profession

    Thank you so
  7. Racial Discrimination in the Nursing Profession

    How about you google it. Then come back to us with your
  8. Racial Discrimination in the Nursing Profession

  9. Racial Discrimination in the Nursing Profession

    You didn't do anything to be sorry for. Minorities deal with discrimination in many aspects of our
  10. Racial Discrimination in the Nursing Profession

    My experience with Job discrimination. I had 3 phone interviews. They all went really. I even spoke to the head boss about the locations I will be working in. I finally came in for the last interview...
  11. Racial Discrimination in the Nursing Profession

    Lol @Masterstreet People will deny, deny and deny
  12. Racial Discrimination in the Nursing Profession

    Thank you so much for your post! It's barely if ever talked about it. And when we do talk about it. People dismiss or pretend that it's something. Or even change the subject to make themselves feel...
  13. You don't have compassion. I'm glad to have never encountered such a cold thought process. Go a head and call the BON. Then call the FBI and the CIA. Make sure she get's
  14. Mandatory Hurricane Evacuation - Can I be Forced to Work?

    Leave! No job is worth my life! The Ceo's are probably out of town by
  15. Ugh- helicopter/tiger mom!

    I don't see any HIPAA violation from the original