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  1. Honestly...Did I over-react?

    I adamantly APPLAUD you for standing up for yourself and taking charge of your personal health! This is exactly what is wrong with the nursing profession today!! Why can't we look out for ourselves...
  2. Anyone put in a-lines?

    Ask a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) at your facility. We are trained to insert and monitor arterial lines. It is much like placing a 20g angiocath, except in an
  3. Is there any way to contact the nurse anesthesia students ahead of you in your NA program? Perhaps you could send out an e-mail when you get a list of everyone in your program asking if anyone is...
  4. How about an anesthesia resource book/card? The Handbook of Anesthesiology 2008 edition by Mark Ezekiel is a great resource that I carry with me in the OR. It's a down and dirty quick facts book. You...
  5. Please do not believe this CRNA! I am a senior student in a nurse anesthesia program in Virginia and believe me there are tons of job opportunities. I graduate in Dec. 2008 and I get asked everyday in...
  6. Hi AmandaSRNA, The Handbook of Anesthesiology by Mark Ezekiel (the 2008 edition just came out) helped me a lot when writing my careplans. It has a lot of the anesthetic implications for ex. HTN, COPD,...
  7. Regional Anesthesia

    Hi lacedmm1, I attend Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. The Anatomy Camp is something that the school started 2 years ago to help with our regional semester. We travel to East...
  8. number of cases

    My program has its SRNAs keep an Excel spreadsheet of all the cases you perform. The minimum required cases is 550 with 650 preferred. I think we are also required like 800 hours of anesthesia time....
  9. Regional Anesthesia

    At my current NA program we have a regional semester where we cover everything from spinals, epidurals, peripheral blocks, local anesthetics, acute/chronic pain, and regional complications. We also...
  10. There is a former RT in my CRNA program. I believe he worked as an RT for several years before obtaining his BSN. He then worked as a critical care RN for about 2 years before applying to the program....
  11. Hi Micugirl, First off, hang in there and don't withdraw. CRNA school is too hard to get accepted! I, too, am in my first rounds of clinical rotation except we have class 3 days/week and clinicals the...
  12. Cymbalta

    Okay, here goes. From the dinner/lecture I attended the most common side effects from Cymbalta were nausea, constipation, and dry mouth (anti-cholinergic effects) in the studies. The nausea should...
  13. Cymbalta

    I work with pain management patients. I prescribe a lot of Cymbalta due to the SNRI effects. A lot of my patients have the depression, sleeplessness, as well as pain. It also works well with...
  14. Fight burnout but pay bills?

    Hi! I feel your stress and exhaustion. Have you thought about working agency in your area? I was in the same predicament when I graduated from nursing school and had to start paying back student loans...
  15. Need help with essay for NP program

    If you need something else to discuss in your essay you might talk about how NPs aid in health promotion, disease prevention, and thereby decreasing hospitalization expenditures and rising healthcare...