Megan1977 MSN, EdD, RN

Nursing Education, Public Health, Medical Policy

Megan1977 has 37 years experience as a MSN, EdD, RN and specializes in Nursing Education, Public Health, and Healthcare Policy.<br />

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All Content by Megan1977

  1. YES- bring cookies :-)
  2. YES, YES, YES!! 100%
  3. Megan1977

    Is this discrimination?

    This is a well written statement and I agree 100%. Start re-directing your co-workers to use the language line or other methods for interpreting. It seems like this is an added strain on your time to take care of your assigned patients.
  4. Megan1977

    Is this discrimination?

    My hospital pays a differential for bilingual nurses. They have to go through a fairly easy process to prove that they are truly bilingual. Maybe your hospital can implement a bilingual differential so you can be compensated for your time and talents...
  5. Megan1977

    I'm lost. I want to quit nursing.

    I absolutely agree- Medic/nurse's answer is spot on. 90 days is way too soon to make a decision- give it some more time
  6. Megan1977

    I'm lost. I want to quit nursing.

    Indeed is a great job site and you can narrow your search in multiple ways. You can elect to have emails sent to you when a job you are seeking matches.
  7. Megan1977


    Oh hell no - please say it ain't so...
  8. Megan1977


    Amen Aunt Slappy!!!
  9. Megan1977

    2 full-time jobs?

    I agree 100%. Stop digging your financial hole deeper.
  10. Megan1977

    It's Official!

    Good for you. The process is expensive, long and humiliating and you survived!!!
  11. Megan1977


    I couldn't agree more- jaderook01 speaks the truth
  12. kgscotti- Dialysis nursing- very busy each shift but almost always day time hours. Love doing patient teaching and there is a huge need for this with renal patients. BTW- I am 59 and going strong.
  13. Dialysis nursing- very busy each shift but almost always day time hours. Love doing patient teaching and there is a huge need for this with renal patients. BTW- I am 59 and going strong.
  14. Megan1977

    House Supervisor Mixing Drips

    Nurse Diane- you speak the truth!!
  15. Megan1977

    Pregnancy Loss and Unhappy New Grad

    Ddestiny- You are so right when you said that health care is a small community- leaving the new grad program at this point and under the stated circumstances (very limited job opportunities for new grads) would be a career damaging move. If Needs Adv...
  16. Megan1977

    Quitting Small Residency for Bigger, Better Residency

    I couldn't agree more!! This has got to be a joke
  17. Megan1977

    Assisted living turned nightmare

    You are putting your license in jeopardy- seriously- I have worked with Boards of Nursing as a consultant. When a tragedy happens- and it will- you will be held responsible by your Board because what you have described puts your patients at harm. You...
  18. Megan1977

    this is why I want to call off on my last day

    Excellent reply!!
  19. Megan1977

    I Thought I Had My Dream Job, but My Past Took It Away...

    I don't know what state you live in, but in California you could apply for disability based on your bi-polar diagnosis. State disability lasts up to 1 year. You might want to look into it as a way to receive some income while you are healing. You hav...
  20. I am having the same employment issue- I am on 3 year probation (CA BRN) with minimum level of supervision required. I had to quit my job of 11 years because of the supervision requirement. In order to complete my probation I have to complete 6 month...