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All Content by Lori16

  1. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Congrats to everyone who's in! & who ever isn't DON'T give up nor be discouraged!!! I'm thinking about doing the Friday session because I work all other days although I wish I can make the Tuesday session the timing is early & perfect.
  2. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    It was a regular small envelope with 3 papers inside.
  3. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I had a 70 ! thank you !
  4. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    What was your score ?? Congrats !
  5. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Omg !! I'm still at work ! Congrats you guys ! What were you all scores ??
  6. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    No letters or emails today... so it looks like October 6 will be our day guys..... I'm trying to hold on ugggg ONE MORE WEEEK!!!
  7. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    WOWWW!! so intimidating:( ;( still trying to keep faith!
  8. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Hey I have a profile score of 70 as well!! I hope we all make the cut!
  9. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    If you don't mind me asking what was your profile score when you last applied?
  10. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    THIS WAIT IS DRIVING ME INSANEEEE... idk if I can go another 2 weeks
  11. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I cannot wait until we all know and get answers!
  12. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I received that email as well!
  13. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    So i just gave the admissions office a call again and now they're saying oct 6!!! Which will be another two weeks! uggg this is so nerve wrecking!! I'm just going to try to take my mind off of it for a while, maybe it'll come faster....
  14. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I stalk this post as well to see if anyone has revived anything yet! haha so anxious!
  15. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I heard that as well! But No I haven't heard anything yet! I've been checking my email like crazy! Hopefully we'll hear something by early next week!
  16. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    If you all don't mind me asking... what was you all profile score???? I believe I turned mines in with a 70.... just curious if mines is descent or not!
  17. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Omg yes!!!! I literally think I'm going to die from this suspense the closer we get!!!! Unfortunately I do not have information on that.... I'm sure if you have all the right courses you shouldn't be affected
  18. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    OK guys so I just called the office and she said that they're trying to have letters out be the 25th!!!!! Which is not this upcoming Monday... but the Monday after that ! I pray they do... I'm so anxious!!!!!!
  19. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Nothing yet! who said they started sending them out????
  20. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    You're not the only one I've been stalking as well !! Hehe looks like they were getting them around the 24 .... only about 2 more weeks !!!!!!!
  21. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Only a few more weeks left !!!!! I'm so anxious!!
  22. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I pray not too many applied this semester!!
  23. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Hey! A 75 is good from my understanding! You should be fine I have a 70(I hope) When I dropped my packet off Mrs. Thornton told me the cut off is usually 65 I'm hoping that remains the same for this semester although I know that it always depends on ...
  24. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Hey! I believe when you call you can ask to get transferred to her if not to be extra sure just take another trip and talk to her personally. Luckily she was there when I turned mines in. I was so pleased to put my packet directly in her hands! I'm p...
  25. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    You actually did great! I Belive you will be safe with a 75! My score stands at a 70 if I calculated everything correctly! I feel the same way as you SUPER NERVOUS !!!!!!! Can we just go to sleep and wake up to letters already? HAHAHA