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All Content by thatgirl2478

  1. affordable apartment with rn salary

    The 'rule of thumb' is that your housing (all of it, rent, utilities, insurance) shouldn't be more than 1/3 of your TAKE HOME pay - which will be a lot less than 75k since you'll have to pay: 401k (you should start saving for retirement NOW) Health B...
  2. Too old?

    I'm gonna 'ditto' the others - you're never too old! I'm going to be 40 by the time I get into nursing school, I've been taking prereqs for the past year and the 'kids' in my class have been awesome! many of them are SERIOUS about their studies and ...
  3. Are Adn nurse being hired at hospital?

    depends on the hospitals. some will hire you with an ADN but will require you get a BSN w/in 3 or so years of hire. some will hire you with an ADN and not expect you to get a BSN. some won't hire without the ADN. best bet is to contact the hospita...
  4. Two sciences at once??

    I'm doing A&P 2 with Micro now, it's not awful.
  5. Is it necessary to get experience as a Rn before NP?

    So, I was going to unsubscribe from the thread and just ignore your reply. Yes, there may be schools that are highly respected and have wonderful programs that produce top notch, highly qualified NPs that don't require experience. But even you have t...
  6. Fired Due to Not Being Able to Get to Work

    I think you'll get over being let go. It sucks in the short term but in the long term you'll be ok. Walking 15 miles in a snow storm is probably a little extreme, if you were MY kid, I wouldn't want you doing that (but then, if you were my kid I wou...
  7. Is it necessary to get experience as a Rn before NP?

    LOL oh so you caught that huh? yeah.... more students, more money, lower standards... :/ which means the NP profession gets looked at in an even WORSE light by other health care providers (and many patients as well). But it's all good because money.
  8. Fired Due to Not Being Able to Get to Work

    Legitimately - if you can't afford tires (which is basic maintenance) how can you afford to have a car? Do your parents pay for your insurance? How do you pay for gas? What about oil changes? I mean, if you're only working 9 hrs a week, your pay che...
  9. Fired Due to Not Being Able to Get to Work

    You asked 'Is this my fault?' I assume you're referring to being fired, so the answer is yes, yes it's your fault. Does it suck that employers want you to work even when the weather is bad? Yep. Does it mean you get to skip? Nope. I worked for Be...
  10. Is it necessary to get experience as a Rn before NP?

    necessary? no, a lot of NP schools allow you to enter without EXPERIENCE as an RN. is it a good idea? Yeah, probably. as other's have pointed out some specialties require it.
  11. Too shy and quiet to be a nurse

    can you fake it at all? I mean, can you model your behavior off other people you see as outgoing and just do what they do? frequently this sort of thing is a 'fake it till you make it' situation that can be resolved. you may never be COMFORTABLE arou...
  12. Care plan

    Did you figure out what your instructor was asking for? I'm curious!
  13. Extremely Sore Feet!! HELP

    Maybe look for an actual RUNNING shoe store? NOT just a store in the mall or wherever, an actual running store that caters to serious runners. They can take a look at how you walk/run and give you advice on which shoes would be better for your situat...
  14. check my work for this IV question please

    You have to wonder if there isn't a better way for the hospitals/drug manufacturers to package stuff to make it less wastefull. I mean, isn't controlling costs HUGE these days? LOL
  15. How many can you get wrong?

    I believe this is the clearest, most succinct answer as to why the NCLEX is so maddening!
  16. BSN or Associates Degree

    I'll be 40 when I start nursing school. Whether you can get work with an ADN or NEED your BSN is going to be a region specific (and possibly hospital specific) requirement. I'm in IL and some hospitals will still hire ADN's if they agree to get the...
  17. Is nursing actually worth it?

    Well I hope it's worth it ... I just got into school! However, I think it really depends on how you define 'worth it'. I mean, are you using money & prestige as your 'worth it' definition? Then no, probably not. A lot of the 'not being able to ...
  18. Does Anatomy & Physiology help you in nursing?

    As far as I can tell, we aren't doing specific nerves in A&P! We had to learn the cranial nerves & the basics of nerve function (sensory in the back, motor out the front... 3 paths up, 2 paths down... how impulses bounce from region to region...
  19. Does Anatomy & Physiology help you in nursing?

    FYI this thread is almost 4 years old, so the original people may not respond. I'll help as best I can... The only thing that really works is practice. Practice naming the bones on yourself, your significan other, your kids, etc. If you can get ext...
  20. Nursing sucks!

    "accelerated MS in Project Management program at USC" - get ready to babysit adults... I did project management for 6 months before going back to my previous IT role, all I did DAY IN AND DAY OUT was create schedules that the other 'adults' I was man...
  21. Help with Histology

    Ususally it will be darker - may not be toward the bottom though! If you look for the positioning of the nucleus within the cell, that's often the key. But yeah, I HATED the histology section of A&P. If you can get more practice with the micros...
  22. Anatomy disections

    It depends on your program. Our LPN program has the students complete a single A&P course. You may not do ANY disection, or you may learn on pre-disected preserved specimines. When I took A&P 10 years ago, we learned on preserved cats. The A...
  23. Help with Histology

    So first of all, look for the 'basement membrane' and the 'free surface'. If you see one layer of cells (like a single layer of bricks) with their bottoms on the basement membrane and their tops as the 'free surface' (aka apical), you have simple epi...
  24. Starting Pre-Req’s at age 37

    Yep. I'm 39 and started in the Fall of 2017. I'm going to be 40 when I start my BSN... It's good because you understand how YOU study best, and your social life is usually more settled than 18-22 year olds (ie you probably don't feel the need to pa...
  25. Anatomy disections

    We dissected a rat first (for gross organ anatomy), then the sheep brain and then the sheep eye all in A&P1. So far we're using display skeletons, some plastic some real in A&P2.