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All Content by BeautyRn_

  1. 75 questions, got the bad pop up

    If you need encouragement or support or have any questions, email me [email protected]
  2. 75 questions, got the bad pop up

    Ok sounds good! Please update me!
  3. Recommend NCLEX RN review

    Hey. Just wanted to throw in my materials that helped me. I passed on my 3rd attempt. I used Hurst, Saunders, Uworld, remar review quickfacts (amazon $20) YouTube videos (registered nurse rn videos), Nclex Rn mastery and the 35 page Nclex notes floa...
  4. 75 questions, got the bad pop up

    Thank you so much! I am no different than you. And I don't judge you. U will conquer Nclex my dear. "Just keep swimming". It's July now. So you have about 3 months until you retake which is more than enough time. Since you have a lot of time before y...
  5. 75 questions, got the bad pop up

    Just wanted to share my experience and hope that it helps. I'm a repeat Nclex taker. Failed it twice. 1st attempt I wasn't prepared. Didn't really study, thought that with the knowledge/fundamentals I had already learned would be enough for me to pas...
  6. Sent home from clinical :(

    Wow...sorry to hear about your experience. I agree with the others about how unprofessional your clinical instructor is. But in a more positive light, it's going to be ok. TRUST ME. I failed one of the easiest courses in nursing school my first semes...