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All Content by nmr79

  1. I got the job!

    Congrats! I'm finishing my first year as a school nurse. You'll get the hang of it. For me, the biggest adjustments (going from hospital to school setting): 1) school/parent politics 2) figuring out which kids are frequent flyers, and how to get t...
  2. School nurses...do you work through the summer?

    It's not mandatory, but I will be the camp nurse for the school district camp. It's 5 weeks, 5 days a week, for 3 hours.
  3. LAST DAY!!!!

    I'm so jealous! Enjoy!
  4. scheduled meds

    I"m with you. For any controlled substance, it's always good to have a witness!
  5. And Just Like That...

    Aw, I have one like that. I also have many 8th graders who can't get out soon enough:)
  6. C'Mon Now!

    Two 8th grade girls come in laughing and clutching their stomachs. "We just chugged a bunch of Coke so we could use the empty bottle for our bottle rocket project." Me: Well, it's time for some natural consequences. Them: Wait, like, can we just ...
  7. Chorus tips?

    Ugh, I hear ya. I'm dreading Field Day, too.
  8. I nearly lost my cool this morning...

    Oh yuck!
  9. What is wrong with people?

    Good idea on the wet paper towel!
  10. What is wrong with people?

    Ugh! I'm a redhead with a redheaded daughter, so we wear sunscreen year-round. Bathing suits are of the long-sleeved variety (unless it's after 4 pm). People often comment that I go overboard, but I'm not taking my chances. My daughter is so fair...
  11. The school board closed our school...

    I'm so sorry
  12. Yesterdays Storms (CT)

    Glad you're okay! Hopefully the power comes back soon!
  13. One of the nice things about working in a school

    I'm so excited! This will be my first summer that I'm not working f/t! I'm working camp, but it's 5 weeks for 4 hours a day. Plus, my daughter and her little friends all go to the camp, so it's easy-peasy. I am soooo ready. We still have about a...
  14. School Nurse Emergency Course

    I actually just registered to take one at a local hospital this summer. Can't hurt! I'm in a middle school- most of the emergencies have been anaphylaxis (x1- epipen given right away), several cuts requiring stitches/glue, several concussions/head bu...
  15. Happy Mother's Day!

  16. I need a hug. <slightly off topic>

    Hugs to you! Just because you didn't take a "traditional" path doesn't mean you haven't achieved a lot. Finishing school without having a family of your own would be difficult. Finishing school when you have your own kids? That's really impressiv...
  17. Teacher appreciation week...

    I hear ya. I have the same non-sense frequent visitors who want to just "rest" at 12 every day. Even if I kick them out after 2 minutes, they stream in, and before I know it, the cafeteria is closed. Nobody really understands, since the rest of ...
  18. Calling parents

    Ugh! Totally rant-worthy! I'm guessing there are a few parents with nothing better to do than worry about their little snowflake's sensitive tummy, but the parents who actually have things to do with their time will get annoyed quickly. Is there a...
  19. Teacher appreciation week...

    Good call on getting the nurse at my daughter's school a gift. She's a frequent flyer (more just the friend who always "escorts" an injured classmate the the health office). Oh, and I got the best gift of all today! My sweet diabetic 8th grader j...
  20. Just gave Epi for the first time

    Yikes! It's scary, but it's always nice to get the first epi experience over with. Thanks for the Jessica Simpson reference, Ruby! I needed that laugh this morning:)
  21. Lateral Move

    Like others have said, I think it depends on why you want to switch. Good luck, either way! I'd absolutely switch campuses if I could stay in the district. (I'd rather little kids than MS).
  22. Non compliant Diabetic Students

    I have one DM student who is honestly forgetful (She's good about AM and pre-lunch checks, but forgets the 2PM pre-gym class check). I've started emailing her at 1:55, and she responds with her number (as long as it's normal- if it's high or low, sh...
  23. Is It Summer Yet?!

    I cannot wait! We aren't finished until June 11 (thanks to the snow day). I'm working camp this summer through the school district. It's a great summer gig- 5 weeks, 3 hours a day, and my daughter goes to the camp, so it's easy-peasy. I love seei...
  24. Lock Down Diabectic Action Plan

    My diabetic students also keep their supplies with them (7th and 8th grade). I keep a stash of juice/tabs in my office, but it's mostly because there was a student last year who was non-compliant and never had any supplies.
  25. what's your favorite...

    Yep. Add to that that my daughter is in the same district, has the same schedule, and I am walking-distance from my house, so I lose no time commuting. Honestly, even my worst days here are way better than when I worked at the hospital (and I've work...