
nursex23 BSN, RN

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All Content by nursex23

  1. Reaching my breaking point with middle schoolers

    If something like that happened to me I think I would quit on the spot. I'm fuming just reading that. I think this is my problem. I don't think middle school is for me.
  2. Reaching my breaking point with middle schoolers

    I see your point but then I would have dozens of students in my office at any given time with nothing going on and I don't think that's fair to the students with legitimate medical needs.
  3. Reaching my breaking point with middle schoolers

    I HIGHLY suspect many teachers are doing this. I've had students come in with passes from their teacher for hiccups or asking for band aids for nonexistent cuts or "my teacher wants you to take a look at me" with absolutely nothing going on or asking...
  4. Reaching my breaking point with middle schoolers

    I completely agree. Administration is doing that here. When I started I was told by the principal not to see students without a pass unless it's an emergency. I sort of didn't care about passes for a while but there is way too much nonsense coming to...
  5. Reaching my breaking point with middle schoolers

    Apparently the nurse before me would let them hang out in the office but since I've been here and put a stop to that apparently there has been an increase in students saying that they're going to the nurse and not returning to class. The students kno...
  6. Reaching my breaking point with middle schoolers

    THANK YOU!! No seriously thanks for the reassurance. I had a student come in yesterday who said his knees "have been hurting since 2019." Ummmmmm what?? No injury, no bruising or swelling. I said if it's been that long I will call your parents and te...
  7. I need guidance

    Have you looked into school nursing? I work 8-3, 5 days a week which is 35 hours but still full-time. I can wear business casual but I choose to wear scrubs to make it easier to get ready in the morning and my days are pretty predicable. I also get t...
  8. I had a teacher bring a student down to my office. Teacher says "she was in here earlier but I think it's time to go home." Student had been in earlier with cramps and we called home to bring her ibuprofen but dad said it would be about an hour. Now ...
  9. tick tock....1 more sleep

    The craziest thing. I've had several sick student that don't want to go home and then I've had MANY not sick students dying to go home. I had this one girl come in the morning with a headache 99.0 temp and overall did not look good. I told her to rea...
  10. Feeling incompetent

    When I first started, I thought it was such a unique feeling. I thought there is absolutely no way that's it's normal for anyone, much less a nurse, to feel like this. Those feelings slowly dissipated and then one day, after about a year, I realize I...
  11. HELP! Need to make decision!

    If you could do both, that would REALLY make you a competitive new grad. You will survive even if you don't do either one but I highly recommend you do at least one and if it could only be one, I would say CNA based on my personal experiences. I wor...
  12. I had a student come in and ask for his temp to be taken. I asked if he was feeling sick in anyway and he said no but the teacher thinks he might have a fever. He even had a note from the teacher that said "please take xx's temperature." I take it. A...
  13. I'm a brand new school nurse and you're proving so much valuable info!!
  14. I agree. I offered but she said she was ok to go back until dad brought meds. ?‍♀️
  15. I'm actually a little happy about it. Hopefully she spreads the word - the new school nurse is taking care of business.
  16. dizziness?

    Interesting. What's the purpose of calling after they leave?
  17. I think I just need a minute to whine, or maybe I need career advice, or maybe I need some tough love. I’ve been a nurse for a year and four months now and I’m worried maybe I picked the wrong career. When I first started, I wanted to be a NICU nurse...
  18. Instructor Retaliation?

    I totally believe they were unfair to you. Even as an RN, I've accidentally picked out wrong medications and caught it before I prepared my meds. I do think you're in the right, however, nursing school politics can be a pain. I would let it go. There...
  19. I need a 76 on my final to pass fundamentals

    Your average is 74.8 and you need a 76 so you only need to do a little bit better than you have been. The problem though is when you aim for a 76 because then you leave holes in your studying and end up failing. Aim for 100 on every test you take. Th...
  20. Should I or shouldn’t I have given Ativan?

    I think you feel guilty because you didn't assess him and make the determination yourself that he needed a PRN. You saw it and administered it but did not consciously think to "he needs this Ativan because..." While care does need to be exercised wit...
  21. did I act incorrectly>

    I wouldn't say this is negligent but as the previous poster mentioned, the details aren't clear. Day shift gave them a suppository at 1700 but what time was it when you were going to do the enema? At my facility, the protocol is to wait 12 hours and ...
  22. nurse reviewer vs. school nurse

    Thanks for the response! From my understanding based on the job description, it would be conducting pre-authorizations for treatment. My connection to this company is actually a physical therapist, not a nurse so I'm not 100% sure what the work is li...
  23. Advice on jobs/WWYD?

    I agree with everyone else. The second job sounds like it would be better for you as a new grad. I would even call the first job and let them know that you are no longer interested as you have found something that better fits what you're looking for....
  24. I don’t know if I like school nursing

    Hello! I just started at a middle school and I have mixed feelings about school nursing. I LOVE helping the students that require nursing attention such as the ones with chronic conditions and the ones who have had injuries (so far they’ve been very ...
  25. I felt exactly how you described when I first came off of orientation. I thought it was a unique feeling and I could not fathom that every nurse feels like this when they start. But the crazy thing is one day, after a year, I realized I didn't feel l...