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All Content by Pete_soon2bRN

  1. Hi everyone, i am currently working on my ADN right now and i'm starting to learn more about the hospital setting and how it tends to have many pathogens. I have no doubt that i want to be a nurse, but my biggest concern is that i might spread someth...
  2. Help - what is the easiest floor to work

    There are plenty of other fields that will pay you just as good or maybe even better that you can get into that you should probably explore. Business, Construction management or labor, Avionic Technician.. Sorry can't really think of anything on top ...
  3. Risk of getting your family members sick?

    Btw, i cant edit my name for another year, but at least it says soon2b
  4. Risk of getting your family members sick?

    Thank you for all your responses guys! Can't believe there's this much feedback. Glad to know you guys are out here looking out and guiding other nurses out there. I hope to have this much support in the real world, but i know there's always bad appl...
  5. Risk of getting your family members sick?

    oh ok, ill still change it anyway to make me feel better, and im currently taking microbiology now. thank you for your responses guys
  6. Risk of getting your family members sick?

    i changed my name.. but i still have RN in it. ill change it in next available edit sorry will change it soon