
Cmbnurse BSN, RN

Neuro ICU

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About Cmbnurse

Cmbnurse has 4 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Neuro ICU.

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  1. I disagree. Schools we're still closed in my area for everyone including young children all the way up to April 2021. And when they did "open" it was only for 3 hours and they were not allowed to use...
  2. Managing a Migraine

    Frequent migraine suffer here. And I've had to work many shifts with them. When I don't take the time to rest during my migraines I have a much worse post drome or migraine hangover as they call it....
  3. Fellow new grad who also spent most of my orientation in a Covid ICU. I had a similar experience. The deaths really got to me, we had few make it out with trach and peg but they ended up right back on...
  4. Was nursing a mistake?

    Totally normal and expected. It takes about a year to feel comfortable as a new nurse. Your gonna have good days bad days and horrible days. The learning curve is steep. Take it one day at a time. Ask...
  5. New Grad ED - How to stay confident?

    Fellow new grad here. I am about 3 months into the ICU. It's been a roller coaster ride. I can definitely relate to taking things too personally. I think it really made my experience that much harder....
  6. UWorld Scoring

    Congrats !! So exciting
  7. UWorld Scoring

    I studied for about a month with UWorld. I used ATI previously for a month as well because my school provided us with it but I quit the program because I didn't find it helpful. So technically I spent...
  8. UWorld Scoring

    I had some pharm questions but there was a little bit of everything. As for UWorld I started doing subject by subject until I completed most of the test bank then as I got closer to my test day I did...
  9. UWorld Scoring

    Good luck to you
  10. I did not apply to the CA BON but many of my classmates did and it took them about 5 weeks to receive their
  11. UWorld Scoring

    I passed NCLEX in 75 questions ! My overall UWorld score before I tested was 61% and I finished about 1800 questions in the test bank. UWorld was worth every penny! And the Mark K videos were also...
  12. UWorld Scoring

    I felt like the self assessment questions were easier than the ones in the practice qbank. But that is not surprising considering the practice Qbank is quite challenging. How are you studying for...
  13. UWorld Scoring

    I have done about 800 UWorld questions and I have a 59% qbank score. When I took the self assessment I scored a 65% which translated to a very high chance of passing. I test June 7th but friends of...
  14. Evening classes ? West coast university

    when they say "you get what you get" they mean the first term you start. They pick your schedule but every term after you pick your classes. However, as for clinicals you can select five preferences...
  15. New grad BSN moving to Corpus Christi

    Thank you for your reply! I will look into McAllen Texas. I am open to anything including nursing homes, jails etc. My goal is to get a residency but I imagined it would be difficult so I am keeping...