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All Content by KD44

  1. Accelerated Nursing Program..ICHS

    sure send me you info here if u like and I can contact u.
  2. Accelerated Nursing Program..ICHS

    You do not need to move to FL for the program. Most of the students are foreign MD or other medical professionals looking to jump into an NP program after the ADN/RN. Tthey are also trying to get an FNP program approved. If you are older, start now a...
  3. Accelerated Nursing Program..ICHS

    Yes, they and hundreds of schools lost accreditation but they have been granted conditional status by ACEN already. Its good for what i wanted. Quick, reasonable and self study for an RN degree. For the cost, time of study and resources available to ...
  4. ICHS ..accelerated nursing program

    I am here now. What questions do you have?
  5. Accelerated Nursing Program..ICHS

    Ask me anything you like. I am going here now.
  6. Simmons FNP Sept 2017

  7. Simmons FNP Sept 2017

    Did they give u feedback on why it was rejected? You can reapply for November if they give u an idea of your deficeincies?