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All Content by Mossyoak210

  1. BONUS: Nurses Week Meme Contest

    Oh so your telling me that you're allergic to all pain medications except the one that starts with a "D"? Well Santa didn't order that for delivery!
  2. Fill In The Blank...

    "That frosting tasted weird" noting the Extra protectant cream tube in their hand.
  3. Caption Contest

    Me when I remind myself how many times I have saved the patient's life from a doctor.
  4. Patients Say the Darnedest Things

    "How can I get this darn chair alarm off?!" As the patient is standing...
  5. Choose Your Favorite TV Nurse

    Nurse Jackie! From Nurse Jackie
  6. Create Your Own Meme

    My face when a patient complains and I think to myself, "Well at least I kept you alive"
  7. Favorite Motivational Quote

    Teamwork makes Dream Work.
  8. Doctors Say the Darnedest Things

    Doctor to nurse: "Well what do you think I should do"