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All Content by firejunky

  1. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    Has anyone heard anything yet? This waiting is nerve racking!!
  2. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    They are probably telling people that to get them to stop calling and pestering them. That's what I would do.
  3. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    Has anyone heard anything yet?
  4. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    Your gpa will carry your teas you have nothing to worry about.
  5. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    From what I understand they only look at the 10 prerequisites classes unless you took one of them more than once for your gpa.
  6. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    Well my chances just keep getting slimmer and slimmer.
  7. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    During the nursing orientation the instructors said that last year you needed a 3.5-4.0 GPA and at least a 78 on the teas.
  8. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    Last year it was 3.5 and a 78 teas
  9. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    ADN or LPN
  10. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    Well your not going to have a problem getting in.
  11. Hopeful Augusta Tech Nursing 2017

    I'm waiting and trying to get an idea of the average gpa and teas test scores. Mine is 3.2 and 84.