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About Zyprexa

Zyprexa has 2 years experience.

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  1. Forcibly removing piercings in psych patients

    That's what I was
  2. What about case management for psych
  3. Why so many negative nurses in the field?

    Because nursing
  4. California Requires Gender Pronouns

    Welcome to California! Where misgendering someone is a crime but knowingly spreading HIV is perfectly legal!!!! *I have had many transgender patients as a psych nurse, and I have always respected...
  5. Tired of jumping jobs, does anyone like her job?

    Following! How about research nursing, the OR, or a plastic surgery office? All areas I have been trying to break into but I guess I don't have sufficient
  6. I did well in nursing school and enjoyed it, but I have no passion for being a
  7. I'm glad I have never rx'd xanax

    Sometimes benzos are the only thing that works for someone's uncontrolled anxiety. I don't like giving patients Xanax because it's fast acting and gives more of a "high" than other benzos, so I...
  8. How has nursing changed you?

    1) I worry for my safety all the time. The patients I work with are all over the place, and many live near me. While most "actual psych patients" are not violent in my experience, the drug addicts we...
  9. Sounds good to
  10. Already been told I shouldn't be a nurse (Rant)

    Next time I take CPR, I plan to sing "Staying Alive" while attempting to resuscitate, check for an organ donor card, and then stab the manikin while retrieving the precious
  11. Already been told I shouldn't be a nurse (Rant)

    That was rude and unprofessional of her to make fun of you. You handled it very well. I think you will do well going forward. Unfortunately, not everyone is nice in healthcare, especially patients and...
  12. What is your Nursing Super Power?

    I great with the psychotic/paranoid patients. Somehow, they trust me. And I love working with
  13. From reading these posts, I'd guess that a majority of nurses are liberal. Just an
  14. I am conservative and a nurse, there has been no problem. During the election, patients would often make comments while watching the news, I usually nodded or changed the subject ("Would you like me...