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All Content by nursetobeeCT

  1. CT-CCNP 2017

    Thanks guys I have hope now! :)
  2. CT-CCNP 2017

    Any one get their waitlist number nine is 13 for NVCC! Anyone know how far down the list they usually go?
  3. CT-CCNP 2017

    Any one who is waitlist able to call and find out their waitlist number?
  4. CT-CCNP 2017

    Im pretty sure i am going to be heartbroken twice. I know it was most likely the results I mean where else would they come from? but it still gives a little hope.
  5. CT-CCNP 2017

    I wouldnt worry those of you that got in, Im sure that is the answer. As much as I want this to change the decision for me I don't think that is the case it probably was a glimpse into what the reality is.
  6. CT-CCNP 2017

    just talked to someone super not helpful in admissions at NVCC and they said "I don't know why the answers went out" the people who we spoke to said to wait for the official email. The results may or may not have been the official decision.
  7. CT-CCNP 2017

    i would call but Noreen from NVCC is on vacation until the 11th of april
  8. CT-CCNP 2017

    why would that be?
  9. CT-CCNP 2017

    So this is really weird mine said waitlisted last night and now there is nothing there today did yours go away too?
  10. CT-CCNP 2017

    My stats are around yours lets not lose hope!!!!
  11. CT-CCNP 2017

    Well I hope you get in! There will only be a year to go once you are in think of it that way! Did they say when (I'm reaching I know lol)
  12. are there any more updates hoping for a miracle
  13. CT-CCNP 2017

    I seriously hope its this week I am already an anxious person and this waiting is really disruptive for me
  14. CT-CCNP 2017

    Im calling......ughhhh all she said (Noreen from NVCC) was that "you'll be finding out really soon before mid April." So I don't think its this week for me now.....but I'll still be checking like a crazy person
  15. CT-CCNP 2017

    me too!
  16. CT-CCNP 2017

    So nervous last year wait listed people found out today I am so nervous, just thinking no news is good news today!
  17. 2017 Lone Star ADN Hopefuls

    Jumping right in at the last minute. I'm so nervous last year waitlisted people found out on the fourth I keep checking and thinking that news is good news. So nervous í ½í¸³í ½í¸–
  18. CT-CCNP 2017

    Its officially April.....I applied to NVCC as my first choice and Gateway as my second choice, my stats are not that great but I am hoping for a miracle. 3.4-3.5 gpa B+ in AP1 and AP2 and a 68 on my teas.