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All Content by kvida92

  1. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Our orientation was a week before we started school, if I remember correctly. It was definitely in August. Schedules are always changing, so I would wait until you get an acceptance. They will give you all the information for orientation when you get...
  2. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    How big is your wrist tattoo? Your watch might be able to cover it. We are required to wear a watch with a second hand and a stethoscope to clinical. Since someone asked on here, you don't need a specific colored stethoscope or brand etc. Only requir...
  3. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Lol I'll try to answer everything. I'm also answering @xxariscole question from above on Cyfairs schedule. So schedules vary from semester to semester. There is no set schedule unfortunately so you guys kinda just gotta work with what they give you....
  4. Fall 2019 Lonestar Hopefuls

    Hi there future nursing students! So I'm a second semester ADN student at Lonestar Cyfair (soon to be third, have my last final of the semester on Wednesday!). I remember coming on this forum when I was an aspiring nursing student and hated the anti...
  5. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    You know, I was thinking about this and I think the reason why acceptances come in waves is because some people who got accepted first rejected their offer and so the school goes down the list to the next person? Idk. It just doesn't make sense that...
  6. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Congrats to everyone who got in! Y'all are going to UTH! Ahhhhh! í ¾í´— si exciting! I haven't received an email and my portal hasnt changed so I didn't get in. But I'll be doing my ADN at Lonestar and hopefully do the RN-BSN program at UTH one day ...
  7. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Do you know if they even take the overall GPA into account for admission? On their website it says the requirements are at least a 2.75 in the required pre reqs and 3.0 on the required science courses. Nothing about an overall GPA. Unless I overlooke...
  8. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Are you applying for the spring cycle? I've called the school many times about this. Each time I'm told the same thing, that only the highest grade for a retake is used to determine your GPA.
  9. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I think I'm just going to stop checking the portal until one of you guys reports an acceptance to this forum. It sucks checking every minute! Lol
  10. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I don't see anything similar on my screen. I guess only time will tell!
  11. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Mine also changed. There isn't a change response button on my application anymore
  12. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Wow so you guys are pretty busy all week! I'm asking because I need to know how many days a week I'd be gone from home since I have a baby. How do you feel about the student environment at UTHSC? Are students really competitive? Or does it feel like...
  13. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Congrats! And thank you for coming on here to offer your help. What is your schedule like? Will it be similar in the fall? Also, how is the work load? Difficult too handle???
  14. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Anybody hear anything yet?
  15. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    You know, I think they've only had the March application deadline for about two years. Before that, the app deadline was January 15th. That might explain why they found out "early" those years. Maybe it was just a coincidence that they found out befo...
  16. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Did you get into Lonestar's ADN fall 2018 program? I got into Cyfair! I like their admission process better because you can see where you stand compared to others.
  17. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I kind of want to take pharmacology whether I'm accepted or not. I think if I'm accepted and I take it this summer, than it will ease my work load just a little bit for the fall. Which is always a good thing considering how difficult the program is s...
  18. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I got into Lonestar's ADN program as my back up plan. But I too would rather just get my BSN over with. I have to pay for my pharmacology class by tomorrow but I'm putting that off to see if we hear back or not.. hopefully we do!!!!
  19. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I know! I think it was a Tuesday? Hopefully we hear back tomorrow lol or today
  20. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Alright guys, this is it! We might find out this week! I really hope we do. Good luck everyone! :)
  21. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    Wow I stand corrected! I finally found something online about it!
  22. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    A VBSN? I've never heard of that at any nursing school. Their website also doesn't mention any of this. I think you might have received bad information from someone.
  23. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I do. I got into Lonestar's ADN program. I'm going to try to stay positive! Lol hopefully we will know soon!
  24. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I just keep telling myself that there has to be some logic to the way they choose people. And by GPA and HESI makes since. Think about it, lots of people never get their transcript evaluations so they don't actually know how UT calculates their GPAs ...
  25. UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

    I hope we find out soon. I'm 99% sure I won't be accepted lol but I just wanna know already