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All Content by Mty69

  1. Is learning wound care hard?

    I’m interested in knowing also.
  2. A similar situation happened to me. I was in a residency program for the first two months when they asked me to move to Night Shift. Although I was reluctant because I am a daytime person and I had never worked night shift in my entire life, I agree...
  3. Non hospital or Bedside nursing position as a new grad

    You can do procedures such as cath~lab, endoscopy, and dialysis. You can also work in ortho, primary care, and mini clinics. There’s a lot that you can do as a nurse that does not require you to be at the bedside. Do your homework and research non-be...
  4. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Congrats! Likewise :)
  5. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

  6. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Thanks for your feedback on Chamberlain. I have pre-enrollment appointment next week. I suppose I'll find out then.
  7. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

    Glad you have a good support system. It will work out- Fret not! :)
  8. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

    Btw, Just sent you a PM.
  9. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

    Yes. I don't expect that to be a problem. Besides, I'm not sure how much will be out of pocket, but I'll know next week. What about you? Did you take all pre-requisites? Or, are you starting from scratch?
  10. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

    Awesome! Thanks for the thorough explanation. I guess I'll see you in September :)
  11. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

    Thanks for clarifying that for me. Looks like I'm going for pre-enrollment which is scheduled for next week. I'm pretty anxious. What exactly does it entail? Also, how soon after is orientation and what exactly does it involve? Do share!
  12. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

    Hey, They mentioned both as if it were all in one appointment- Background and orientation. But, the emphasis was on background and finances. What's the order that applied to you? 1. Background and finance, 2. Orientation, then what? Do share!
  13. Mid-Career Move to Nursing

    Hi Joneswm, I'm excited for you. I'm 48 and begin my program in Fall 2018 as well. Are you on FB? I would love to follow your journey and vice versa.
  14. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    I was accepted for the Fall 2018 start date. How are your studies going so far? Is it what you expected? Do share!
  15. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Hey There, How are your studies going so far? Do share!
  16. Chamberlain College of Nursing Atlanta

    Hi Kim, I was just accepted last week. My start date is September 3rd 2018 also. Let's chat!
  17. Mid-Career Move to Nursing

    Thanks for sharing!
  18. Mid-Career Move to Nursing

    Big Congrats! I'm 48 and decided on nursing as a second career as well. My nursing programs starts Fall 2018. I wish you the best in your endevours.
  19. Mid-Career Move to Nursing

    You can do it!
  20. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Yaaa! Congrats to you.
  21. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Awesome! I called a few days ago and they told me to wait until mid-May to submit my application because they're currently focusing on the summer semester class.
  22. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Congrats! You're a few months ahead of me.
  23. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Yaaaa! Big Congrats.
  24. Mid-Career Move to Nursing

    Hi RN 2b, How is your nursing program going? I'm 48 and studying nursing as a second career also. I'm in my last semester of Pre-req's and will be beginning the BSN program in August 2018.
  25. Chamberlain Atlanta Summer 2018

    Likewise! I hope to see you there soon :)