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All Content by jennw79

  1. HIPAA Violation

    I'm faculty in a nursing program. A couple of key take aways. 1)We spend about 2 hours in the lab verbally going over HIPAA before our first semester students enter the hospital. Show videos, give examples, we all tell stories of people we ...
  2. NP programs with clinicals at end only

    Walden University has a 3 year bridge program for ADN RNs to MSN, all online, with the practicum taking place in the last year. It was just under 60k, I thought it was harder than it should be and I feel like my preceptors, review courses, and mysel...
  3. What age is "too old" to switch from RN to APRN?

    As a recent graduate, and a 38 year old - just think about the monetary investment, along with the time away from your family, especially if you really like your current career.