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All Content by RNtoCNM

  1. Hello all! I just graduated on March 24th and have accepted a position in L&D and I could not be happier!!! I start orientation on the 1st of May(took and passed my NCLEX on 4-4). I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is where my passion i...
  2. Applying to FNU - Any advice?

    Hello! FNU is also my destination! I'm just at the end of nursing school getting my RN, I graduate next Friday! I'm enrolled for my BSN already, and plan to work my way through that so that I can apply to FNU for the WHNP/CNM program. I'm also a 3...
  3. Can you become an RN at age 19?

    A guy that graduated from my program was 18...it's possible, but I suppose you don't see it too often.