


About cwentworth

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  1. Mindfulness: A Cure for Auto-Pilot

    Have you ever felt that your automatic pilot just switched on the moment you walked in the door? No matter what setting you are working in, nursing demands a complex skill set. To keep up on any given day, one must have their critical thinking, multi...
  2. The Insidious Nature of Compassion Fatigue

    You are so right and thank you for stating that compassion fatigue can affect everyone. I wrote it completely from my perspective and afterwards, I thought about those of you who work in nursing homes, geropsych units, outpatient, med/surg, etc... ...
  3. The Insidious Nature of Compassion Fatigue

    Wow! Your job sounds incredible in so many ways - there is tremendous potential for burn out and such opportunity to find meaning and purpose in life. I am amazed at your commitment and willingness to approach such suffering on a daily basis. You are...
  4. The Insidious Nature of Compassion Fatigue

    Participant Introductory Letter & Informed Consent Dear Registered Nurses, You are invited to participate in a research study! Caring for the mental health population can present unique challenges in an emergency department setting. As part of...
  5. com·pas·sion fa·tigue (noun): indifference to charitable appeals on behalf of those who are suffering, experienced as a result of the frequency or number of such appeals. Most of us who work in healthcare or deal with mental health or substance ab...
  6. Social Media Etiquette for Nursing Professionals

    Like most modern advancement - it can be a blessing and a curse. Social media is not a good fit for those with anger issues, have uncontrollable impulsivity, drink heavily, feel the need to post intimate messages to their partner, or use it to gain ...
  7. Finally Leaving Nursing...For Good!

    There is wonderful opportunity for growth - mentally/spiritually - through discomfort. You can learn about who you are and, more importantly, who you are not. It sounds like you are in the process of developing and refining your professional identity...
  8. Annoying character flaws are one thing, this is something else! We all have to get along to work together, but when patient care is involved, the severity rises to a whole new level. A critical care unit does not and should not offer the opportunity ...
  9. When Your Patient is an Addict...How to Deal

    This was a fabulous read. I also have experience working with patients with addiction in the ER. To say it's "frustrating" work is a gross understatement. In any other context, their behavior towards us would be considered abusive. Like many of you, ...
  10. Going out with your co-workers (Mixing Business with pleasure)

    It depends on what you mean by "socializing". I think that "socializing" with co-workers outside of work can be great for team-building, developing trust and improving morale. Dinner, movies, shopping, baby showers, or sports activities are all fun g...
  11. Most ridiculous patient requests?

    My strangest request happened during a home visit at a Continuing Care Community. My client lived in an independent apartment. She had hurt her foot and needed to keep it elevated. She asked me to pour her a glass of wine. I felt like a waitress agai...
  12. Go Fund Me for Co-workers?

    I have to agree with most of these posts. I feel that GFM provides an opportunity for predators to take advantage of those kind people who want to "help" others through a rough time. On the other hand, I have seen GFM pages for co-workers who have lo...