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  1. They did that to me too, where they didn't reply. I guess we'll just have to wait and
  2. Do you know if they have already contacted anyone? or when they might do so? They're not really specific in their replies so it leaves me just as curious, if not with more
  3. Nothing. I had emailed with them last month to ask when they would be taking people from the waitlist and the lady I spoke with said she would start sending emails and making calls around the 5th of...
  4. I'm sorry to hear that Have you been told the financial aid that you will be able to receive otherwise? Thanks! I have a feeling I might have made it if I didn't have that error but for now I'm...
  5. Congrats obviously getting into two schools! I wish you the best. As for me, I guess I'll just have to be patient.
  6. That's great! I have no experience except for shadowing the fire department emt, ER, L&D, and Med/Surg in high school. I'm working on my cna right now but that wasn't included in my application....
  7. OHSU BSN Fall 2017

    Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone in here has applied and been accepted to UP and might be choosing another school instead? I'm on the waitlist and besides Linfield, which I'm applying to in...
  8. Thanks HtotheB, i would really appreciate it:) I'm really hoping I get in. May I know what your gpa/experience is? Was this your first time
  9. Hi guys Congrats on getting into UP and getting an I interview for prov scholars! I applied and was unfortunately waitlisted due to errors in my application. I was told I was placed priority on the...
  10. Hey truvu76, Did you ever call UP after your email? I ended up getting waitlisted too and I've been very anxious to know anything at all. Did you get in ohsu or Chemeketa, I believe they've sent out...
  11. Hello Everyone, I was recently waitlisted for University of Portland. I would like to know if I should keep some hope that I may get it. Sometimes I believe I should due to how I got waitlisted but I...
  12. RSMgrafx Congrats on getting into both schools! I'm sure someone will be happy to take up that spot you just freed up! I was waitlisted for the Fall cohort, I believe it was full due to incoming...
  13. Congrats nursingstudent96! I'm guessing you have a previous bachelors
  14. NRAnde91 That's how I've felt all week. I have a feeling this weekend is going to feel extra long. I did apply to the providence scholarship, did you? You definitely have a lot of experience,...
  15. trvu76 Yes, I also applied at Linfield. I'm regretting my decision to only apply at two places. I know its still early and UP is the first to send out letters but I've very nervous especially seeing...