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About scottys176

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  1. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    I emailed Angela Dalton my acceptance of my seat, and she didn't respond to me email. I emailed the next day after I got the letter in the mail, did she email anyone else
  2. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

  3. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    It did not show the accepted point range but it talks about orientation and the schedule of the class for next semester. You have to get a required physical, drug test, CPR certification by a certain...
  4. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    My letter came today! I got
  5. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    Nothing for me today. Wonder why they aren't sending them yet because when they initially were going to send them you'd think they had their decisions made of who to let
  6. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    just checked the mail and didn't get anything
  7. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    Update: I emailed Angela Dalton this morning because I'll be leaving town today into some of next week and I am having someone come and get my mail, and I wanted to make sure I received it and not...
  8. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    She said the end of the month??? That's crazy. I wonder why it would take that long. When I talked to her she told me we would know between 2 weeks to a month so its odd that we would find out after a...
  9. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    I think that we will be okay. I have been reading post on AllNurses dated back to 2012 and I have heard people who struggle to get in at about 30 points but everyone who has at least 45 or more has...
  10. GTCC Nursing Fall 2017

    I have applied for the program and completed the TEAS testing and everything. When I finished my TEAS test, I went into the office to turn in my scores (since that was my last thing I needed to do)...