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All Content by kczar20

  1. Seton Hall CNL Fall 2017

    Yes. The best email is [email protected]
  2. Seton Hall CNL Fall 2017

    Yes, that's a big move! Good luck. Have you found a place to live yet? I'm going to be living at home. It's about a 40 minute drive to South Orange.
  3. Seton Hall CNL Fall 2017

    Congrats! Can't wait for the fall. Yes, I am from NJ. Are you?
  4. Seton Hall CNL Fall 2017

    Thank you very much. Yes, I decided I will attend.
  5. Seton Hall CNL Fall 2017

    Thank you, christinamoore. This was helpful especially since I just found out I have been accepted!
  6. Seton Hall CNL Fall 2017

    Hi, ameizingx and christinamoor: Congrats on our acceptances! I've applied too and have my interview next week on campus. Any advice for the interview process? Is there anything or any questions to expect. Thanks!