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About nurserobinson281988

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  1. CRNA School Hopeful 2018

    Hi! I dont believe I received a friend request. KU offered me an interview by email on Sept 15. ai interviewed Oct 10 and received my emailed acceptance letter on Oct
  2. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    Whether I find the requirements arbitrary is not the point, since I am not the person making admission decisions. When you are rejected from one of these schools and you call and ask what you can do...
  3. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    I disagree, obviously. But thanks for your opinion. The point is that there are people who actually meet the requirements of the program who arent getting
  4. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    I think it's a good program because of the quality of clinical experiences you receive in the program compared to other schools in the area. I do not bother with comparing pass rates if it is the...
  5. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    and you're actually proving my point. if you think that is the sickest patient there is, you are too new to know what you dont know, and that is the
  6. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    then you have never taken care of a patient with mixed hemorrhagic and cardiogenic shock and an EF of 5%. But ok, a bleeding post cabg patient is the
  7. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    AA's are unable to practice independently in any setting. CRNA's practice independently in 70% of settings they practice in. It sounds like your opinion is that of someone who doesn't have a lot of...
  8. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    I am frustrated that while the rest of us are jumping through all of these hoops, there are others just sliding underneath them with the help of nepotism. The requirements on the website for the...
  9. Nursing Experience for CRNA school

    So in theory this is true. They audit some people, but the majority of people are held at their word about their clinical
  10. So honestly I am just venting with this post. There is a nurse in my hospital that just got into a good CRNA program in the area and has been a nurse since January. The app deadline was in September...
  11. KU Medical CRNA Class of 2021

    He said: Johnson county has some of the best schools in the country. OP it's in the Shawnee Mission school district and I think Blue Valley is in this area as well. Both districts are really good as...
  12. KU Medical CRNA Class of 2021

    I will ask my brother in law today. He has lived in the area his whole life and was a teacher at a high school here. All I know is what I (think I) know which is that the super wealthy kids attend...
  13. KU Medical CRNA Class of 2021

    Hi! My name is Nicole and I am from Kansas, living in KC MO. I am moving to Hillsborough apartments in Mission in order to receive in state tuition. I have heard from a fellow nurse and our soon-to-be...
  14. Do I Measure Up? CRNA Application

    I was just accepted to a program after having had 4 interviews with different programs, one alternate spot and three no's prior to the interviews. My GPA is 3.5, Science gpa is 3.7. if you didnt...
  15. Baylor & UT Houston CRNA 2018

    well since mine says denied, maybe you guys all got