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All Content by RNGummy40

  1. Being Deposed - Help!

    Dear Nurse Beth, WOW, I too am sorry you are experiencing this situation and am sorry your patient had a negative outcome. You absolutely need an attorney! Since you no longer work for the company, your former employer has no obligation to provided y...
  2. Is psychiatric nursing a dying profession?

    LOL!!! When I saw your questions it gave me the giggles!!! If only self fulfilling prophecy really worked in this situation, then your worries would actually be a wonderful outcome! The "push," for community care has been happening for over 40 years!...
  3. Med error

    "I followed that order charted wrote TO and reordered new labs everything but transcribing it to the MAR. It was the exact same orders as before. However, we box it off, so you have to rewrite it. I had forgotten to rewrite it in the MAR. So there fo...
  4. Charlie Gard

    The parents actions to prolong their child's life are normal. It would also be normal for parents to say, "Okay, let him go." The parents are in a state of loss and the irregular cycle of loss is a painful process. As for the decision to prolong the...
  5. To the nurse who was belittling and condescending to me today

    Oh my Lord!!! Rudeness and disrespect over a patient missing prune juice, LOL!!!! Stop the bolder from forming like in the movie, "Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark." (yes constipation is a serious problem, just a joke to lighten the situatio...
  6. Expensive stethoscope for student?

    When I started nursing school, I found a Littman Cardiac II stethoscope on sale and bought it. I wanted to learn which sounds I was hearing and I wanted to do as best I could. If you have one, use it and learn. If people judge you, that is their pro...
  7. MD was angry I questioned him.

    Dear ella2990, BSN, RN, You did your job! There may have been may factors why the MD was upset with you, BUT who really cares? If the physician was concerned about psychiatric boarding, then do his job, and assess his patient! He needs to complete ...
  8. "When I received shift report for my very ill, bed-bound patient, the RN giving report pointed out the tracker affixed to his anklet. She had admitted him a few hours earlier and did not know the details and there was nothing noted in his chart. Befo...
  9. Methadone worse than heroin....ideas?

    Dear Maevish, RN, Methadone is a synthetic opioid and it is used (as others have already have mentioned) as tool to assist patients with sub-stance misuse. Unfortunately, this tool is not well understood by all patients and all medical practitioner...
  10. Gross Things Patients Do

    With psychiatric patients, their is no end to the creativity they may display during a shift. One patient added vomit to their drinks and food, then attempted to eat the creations they made. Another patient may have been watching a make up commercial...
  11. Another 'is it worth it' question for RNs

    Dear SolDanz, When I started my nursing program, I still remember the advice my nursing instructors gave to us that first day of nursing school. "We strongly advise that your do not work." Only 45% actually graduated from my original nursing class. ...
  12. Respect For Nurses

    Good Morning. I decided to post my morning coffee experience. As I pulled through the drive through one of the baristas, I usually get coffee from, noticed I has a stethoscope in my car. She asked me if I was a doctor? I told her that I was a Regis...
  13. I Have a question

    I hope the surgery is successful and that your husband has a quick recovery. You certainly can make the request but you and your husband should be talking with the doctor about this before even going to the hospital. Before your husband is placed und...
  14. Running into former patients

    If I saw a patient that I provided care to, if I did not have concerns I would only acknowledge them if they initiated contact. I definitely would not have a drink with any of my patients. You are definitely taking a risk, consuming a dis-inhibitor...
  15. Dear New Gal, I think the answer to your last question includes a lot of factors. Students entering nursing may want a good paying job, fewer work hours, respect in the work they do, ability to be challenged in skill, the option to socialize with oth...
  16. Nursing Ethics Question!

    Hi Michelle. If I were you, I would be reporting to the Canadian Medical Association and the Canadian Nursing Association. There are so many Ethical Violations in bribing a patient in order to promote and maintain medication compliance, it give me a ...
  17. They were in bed together.

    Well in the acute care setting, IN EPIC, there is required documentation for how nursing is allowing the patient to maintain their intimacy. Nursing staff allows privacy, anything else needed requires discharge papers! I wonder why you did not ask yo...
  18. Can you refuse to give care to a resident in LTC?

    I am sorry that you are having difficulties with this patient. He sounds delight full and I bet he would be the great at public speaking events! Seriously, this is a TEAM situation!!! We cannot refuse total care to a patient, but a patient is not ent...
  19. Do you ever hold Lantus?

    When reading your post, I immediately thought about the NCLEX Exam questions that ended in absolute terms like NEVER and ALWAYS. The answer to your question will ALWAYS be found in the total assessment of your specific patient. Diabetic management i...
  20. Confused & a little discouraged?

    Dear genesis1930, Congratulations, you have a very UNIQUE opportunity to pick from a variety of nursing fields to start at in your practice. Not every nurse has that opportunity, so take a moment and enjoy! Your concern over choosing a medical speci...
  21. How to deal with a bully patient?

    What I find interesting is that you asked how do doctors deal with "bullying," patients. The sad answer from my experience is that they do not deal with these patients. Narcissistic personality disorder is the usual diagnosis I have seen when working...
  22. "I Narcanned Your Honor Student"

    This is an interesting thread. The numbers are at 32,368 Views, 157 Comments. WOW! There are many forms of stigma when it comes to addiction disorders. The stereotype can be assumed that a person with addiction disorders is uneducated, or unintellig...
  23. The solution to your problem is that you need to change the policy. You need to have two nurses, otherwise you are going to have to be the one to pick up the shifts. I am curious as to which type of emergency situation you have experienced at your fa...
  24. Respect For Nurses

    Definitely not doctor bashing. Just the acknowledgement that nurses and our practice continues to be poorly understood and recognized by our community and at times by other medical professionals. This was definitely a vent and reflection on current ...
  25. Combative/Violent Confused Patients

    I am sorry you experienced violence from a patient. Objectively, we don't know if that violence was intentional or not, but appearing confused was the first cue to unpredictable behaviors. Being prepared for impulsive behaviors is a skill that is lea...